Friday, December 31, 2010

My Faith

Friends and Family,

Recently, I had a former friend tell me that 'religion' is to be something that guides you, not your entire life... I frankly do not agree with this statement. Granted, I know I have to consider the source of the comment, but still, I think it's time for me to enlighten all my friends on my view of "religion".

So I'm going to start off with a few definitions. Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. Faith is allegiance to duty or a person. Relationship is a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealing.

This being said, it bugs me when people use the word religion to describe what I believe, because it's SO much more than just a religion. I firmly believed that I am called to live my life for Christ, meaning he is my everything. He is more than just my "guide". Sure, I have the Holy Spirit dwelling in me, which means I have a constant guide to life, but my faith in God, is so much more than allowing Him to guide me, it's allowing him to break me, mold me, and sustain me.

I may not always do my best allowing Him to have total control over my life, but that's okay, He knows I'm an imperfect human. He sent Christ, the only perfect being to ever exist, to give me the model to try to make it to. Although, He knows I never will be able to be He grants me grace beyond my wildest imagination. Grace I don't deserve, could never be "good" enough to deserve.

I know what I believe and why. No matter whether you agree with my beliefs or not, at least respect them. If you have any questions for me whatsoever, please feel free to ask. I'll do my best to answer them.

All my love and His,


Friday, December 17, 2010


When will the wounds quit getting torn open? Wounds that I thought to be healed years ago. Through one conversation, one topic, they got opened again. I'm sure they're used to remind me of something, but of what? Maybe it's to remind me of how His wounds get reopened when we do something against Him. If so, why now? Maybe it's because I never completely worked through them all. How not? Maybe it's because my heart/guard needed torn down to help others see something. But what?

It's not clear to me now, it might not be clear to me tomorrow, or this weekend, but hopefully over the course of the next few weeks, my eyes will be opened to the reasons.

All I can cling to is the promise I have that He will work all things to benefit me in the end. He's got a plan for reopening these old, festering wounds that I thought were closed up. Even though I can't see what it is, or why right now, I know beyond a shadow of doubt that He will prevail in this. He will allow healing and understanding. I just have to trust Him to lead me to the answers.

My Red Sea Road

  For a few weeks now this feeling has come and gone. It goes as quickly as it arrives.  For several days, it felt as though we were staring...