Sunday, June 9, 2019

When Life Tumbles

Sometimes knowing it needs to happen and desperately wanting it to happen doesnt adequately prepare one for when it does indeed happen.

The last six months have brought a lot of ups and downs. Life has flipped upside down and back upright almost weekly. The hard times sprinkled amongst the good times. Beauty arose from the ashes of challenges.

The last two(ish) months the challenges seemed to have been relentless. Every day, wading into the unknown. Feeling as though everything had been put into a tumbler that didnt seem to slow or stop, only speed up.

Truly having to open the door to the darkness behind and faithfully step out. Trusting that there was Something there to support. Encountering a new normal with each step.

Almost two weeks ago, everything screeched to a halt. Suddenly, a corner was found. And taken. One that was coming. It was sharper and sooner than anticipated. 

But it was time. 

Time to get out of the constant tumble. A relentless hamster wheel. Going and going but getting nowhere. 

Suddenly, looking up and seeing the purpose. Experiencing and enjoying what is. Rather than wondering what could be. 

With this one choice. The best choice. The right choice. Changes are ushered in.

Sprinkling further into the depths than anticipated. Changes run deep. Some expected. Others not so much. 

The hardest part of it all. Letting go. Forgetting what has been. Rejoicing in what is. Laying down what might come. 

My Red Sea Road

  For a few weeks now this feeling has come and gone. It goes as quickly as it arrives.  For several days, it felt as though we were staring...