Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

It is now 2018. I hope that today we are all feeling energized, hopeful, determined. We can put to rest the negative and push ahead with positivity and grace. For ourselves. For those we encounter.

A few weeks back I heard a word. It came as a gentle whisper. Fleeting away as quickly as it came. Several more times in the last few weeks it continued to come and go. A little stronger and louder each time.

One day I log into Instagram and a dear friend has shared a photo of a book. The title of the book is the very word that I'd been hearing. Confirmation that this word was to be my challenge for the year.

2018 will be a year to nourish. Nourish every aspect of who I am. Challenging myself to make diligent choices as to what goes in. Whether it be physically through what I eat or how I move. Spiritually through spending time each day in scriptures and praying. Mentally through what I choose to listen to, watch and read. Emotionally through how I filter my thoughts and feelings.

Yes, 2018 will be a good year. Nourishing the positive and starving the negative.

As I began to dig deeper into what nourish would look like, I kept falling on this verse Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” -Luke 1:45. I am believing that if I am faithful to nourish myself in Him and His word that He will meet me in new ways.

What are you hoping to accomplish throughout 2018?

My Red Sea Road

  For a few weeks now this feeling has come and gone. It goes as quickly as it arrives.  For several days, it felt as though we were staring...