Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February Awaits

Earlier today I was driving and suddenly an idea comes to mind...

I am so excited about this. I will be keeping a running list each day after I post. I am taking Lisa-Jo's concept of the 5 minute Friday and spreading it to everyday throughout February.

The Goal? To take five minutes and just write without worrying about if it's just right or not.

I will be starting this tomorrow and running it through the entire month. I would love to have some of you come aboard and join me with this. If you're interested, please don't hesitate to let me know and I'll shoot out the list of the topics for each day to you via e-mail. :)

I'm pumped about this and I hope you'll join me for this journey.

If you want to join this challenge, feel free to use this to add the button (I think it should work):

<a href="www.belovedpursuit.com/february-awaits" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1211.photobucket.com/2012/01/31/albums/cc427/godsbeloved110/Blog%20Stuff/notepad-1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="FiveMinuteFebruary"></a>

Blessings friends.

Day One: Go

Day Two: Yes

Day Three: Challenge

Day Four: No

Day Five:  Wait

Day Six: Impossible

Day Seven: Serve

Day Eight: Fruit

Day Nine: Accountable

Day Ten: Acceptance

Day Eleven: Safety

Day Twelve: Books

Day Thirteen: Friendship

Day Fourteen: Marriage

Day Fifteen: Family

Day Sixteen: Health

Day Seventeen: Commitment

Day Eighteen: Sacrifice

Day Nineteen: No post

  Day Twenty: Submission

Day Twenty-One: Pain

Day Twenty-Two: Loss

Day Twenty-Three: Doubt

Day Twenty-Four: Security

Day Twenty-Five: Grace

Day Twenty-Six: Faith

Day Twenty-Seven: Hope

Day Twenty-Eight: Crave

Day Twenty-Nine: No Post

Sunday, January 29, 2012


So, on Saturday night I was talking with my mom. My mentor and I are reading through Captivating and since it's mom's favorite book, we were talking about it. If you haven't read it, you might or might not understand (depending on your own experiences). We were talking about the depictions used of a little girl twirling around wearing a pretty dress/tutu while being delighted in by those around her, primarily her father. I expressed my frustration with these depictions because I haven't ever dreamed of that nor have I felt like that. My mom said she could relate to them because she had always wanted to be seen like that. Without missing a beat I said, "I just wanted to be seen."

I have been thinking about this a great deal today. Never have any truer words flown out of my heart. Growing up, I was the fourth of five. The order went girl, girl, boy, girl, girl. So the "middle child syndrome" didn't fall on the third because of him being the only boy in the family. Naturally, that syndrome fell onto me. Not only did that get moved to me, but I was the quietest of the four girls. Meaning, I often would get overlooked because I was the smallest and the least vocal.

Then I started to think about this in my perspective of God. I find myself struggling with the fact that since I "fell through the cracks", as I've been told, with my parents, my heart has a heard time believing that it won't happen with God who has billions of children. Although in my mind I know that He loves me AND that He knows me better than I know myself, I can't get my heart to believe it.

Lately, I've been praying a dangerous prayer. I've been praying for my head knowledge to become a heart knowledge. Not only that but to allow it to turn into a natural, genuine love flow out of that new understanding. I started praying that about 2.5 weeks ago. I can tell you, I've been through the wringer the past few weeks. I have no doubt that He's allowed certain situations to happen to allow that prayer to begin being answered. It is an answer that will take a while to sink in. I know this because my stubborn human mind doesn't like to change those sorts of things very quickly.

I'm sure this is just a few of many revelations that I'll have on the journey to better understanding what the answer to this prayer will look like for me, my life and my relationships. So stay tuned.

Isn't it amazing what one conversation can spur on?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

CMA #2

It's that time again friends. Time for another Count Me Accountable Thursday over at Must Love God. If you missed what the idea behind this. Several of us who are a part of the Must Love God writing family, had the struggle with living a healthy life in all areas. After each of us sharing our struggles, we wanted to open it up for our readers to take part in as well. If you missed us last week, you can read mine here and you can read the MLG post here.

Now, to start my post for the week. I weighed myself today and I was down to 182. Not as much as I was hoping for, but looking back at the week, have some things to change in order to help. Progress is progress and I'll take progress. My goals...Eat Clean, Move More, and refresh daily.

Eat Clean: This has been my hardest struggle this week. I have successfully stayed away from bread and grains. I have done pretty well with kicking the pop, with only having a small amount on Sunday and none other this week. My area of struggle right now is with the sugary-yummy-but-not-so-good-for-healthy-living types of food. I think my body is trying to make up for the sugar it would usually get from the amount of pop I would drink so it's starting to crave some other form of sweets.

This week: I plan to cut back (not out...yet) on the sugary foods and think more about am I eating this for nutritional value or to satisfy a craving? I am still going forward without eating bread and grains. I will still push forward on the choosing water over pop or sugary drinks. I will be more conscious of the other foods I'm eating and whether I'm eating them for my benefit or just to eat something. Especially since I know that healthy foods can curve the appetite for the sweets, if I choose the right ones.

Move More: This one has been okay for me. It's hard to rate for sure. While I had a couple more active days, I also had a couple days where besides my typical walking, I didn't do much.

This week: I will be looking into getting a gym membership at Anytime Fitness. While my school has a gym that I could use, the hours aren't real favorable to incorporate into my schedule. I go to check them out on Saturday. I cannot be more excited. My mom and my sister go to Anytime and they love it.

Refresh Daily: I have been doing fairly well in this area, but would like to see more improvement. Within the next week, one routines will be ending. 31 days to pray was an amazing experience. I'm considering doing it every month that has 31 days. I think it would be amazing to see what God will do over the course of a year of my conscious praying for him.

This week: I plan to finish on a positive note. Not just finishing the prayer challenge, but catching up in my Paul study as well. I am also challenging myself to getting up around 7-7:30 to get my bible study out of the way.

On another note:

I was reading some of my blogs the other day, and this quote jumped out to me:
"Instead of being the beloved, I feel more like the doloved" --Emily Freeman

This one struck straight to the heart. I so want to get to the point where I can just be loved instead of feeling that I need to do in order to have such love. It doesn't matter who's love it is, I tend to fall into the earning side of it, rather then realizing that if I have to do to have that love, is it really a love that I want in my life. I have been thinking a lot about this quote the past day or two. There may be more on this later.

How was your week?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Multitudes #36-65

It's been far, Far, FAR too long since I've taken part in the Multitudes on Mondays with my fellow bloggers. We all link up with Ann. This concept is based off of her book One Thousand Gifts. While I have not read it yet, I feel the need to begin to incorporate this into my life. If you need a refresher, you can check out my last post on this here.

As I sit looking back at a hectic couple of weeks, it only felt appropriate to list the blessings I've been seeing in my life. Here are a list of some of them:

36. A God who’s strength is immeasurable
37. A husband who is extremely understanding
38. New seasons coming and old ones going
39. His continual faithfulness
40. Progress
41. Grace
42. Opportunities to volunteer
43. Quality time
44. Deep, meaningful conversations
45. A best friend who gets it
a. And more importantly gets me
46. Journaling prayers
47. My prayer warriors
48. Count me Accountable
49. Must Love God
50. Friends who challenge me to become a better me
51. The ability to give love
52. The ability to feel love
53. Healing
54. The opportunity to know the Ultimate Healer
55. Trials in life that make us stronger and better understanding of the One who created us.
56. Bonding with others better through the trials
57. A family who loves and supports me
58. A church family who is always willing to lend an ear
59. Cloudy days that I can use to just chill and recover
60. My Kindle
61. Fresh, new starts
62. A community of bloggers who really care about each other and their readers.
63. My first post this month at Must Love God
64. Finding peace through the storm
65. Tapping into his immeasurable strength.

Counting blessings through the storms of life. I have a feeling that this is going to become key to my own growth, mental and spiritual health.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pursuit of Peace

Today I reached out to a former friend. Our friendship ended on an extremely sour note. As with most relational ends, we both had a part to play. In my attempt, I asked if we could sit down and talk through the way things went down between the two of us. While she is willing to get together, she is refusing to talk through the way our friendship ended.

We go to the same church and have several reasons for wanting to get to the point of at least being able to have small talk with her. While I've forgiven the hurts, pain, ect. that the friendship caused, I am having a hard time just picking up and moving on. I still have some deep wounds, scars and scabs that I feel are only going to go away if she and I can sit down like adults and talk through these issues.

We, as Christ-followers, are called to:
"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with every one." Romans 12:18

I'm having trouble figuring out what how to best heal from these scars, I've been praying and continue to pray for the wounds to be healed from them, but am having a hard time due to a lack of closure with the issues.

The way it looks now, I have 3 options on how to go on from here. Option 1: Just do as she said, let the past rest in the past and not deal with any lingering feelings or scars. Option 2: Journal through all the scars and such. Option 3: Just continue to avoid her and steer clear of events that we'll both be at and praying that eventually she'll be willing to at least talk about things.

The problem being, I don't like any of these options. I'd rather be able to sit down and talk these things through. Since that doesn't seem like it's going to be possible, I'm trying to figure out the next best one.

While it's not a chipper way to start off the week...this is the area I'm struggling the most in at this point. I'd really love advice or other ideas (more brains stirring the pot can be helpful with this).

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Count Me Accountable

Last week, I joined a friend in posting to get real about living a healthy life.Not only are we both doing this, her post had such an impact and inspired so many that there is now going to be a weekly link-up over at Must Love God (which if you haven't checked it out yet, you really should. Some amazing stuff going on for God.)

Here we are a week later and boy did last week try to kick my tail. Between personal issues going on, a client having health problems and being in the hospital, and outside stress I could have easily fell. Satan was attacking me hard this week, but God's strength has proven to be stronger (like I was surprised).

Last week, I weighed in at 190. I also challenged myself to Eat Clean. Move more. Refresh Daily. I can honestly say I have made some progress in each of these areas. This week, I am weighing in at 184! I am so excited. My first break under 185 in several years.

Here's the break down:

Eating Clean--This is going to be a stair step for me, I think. Slowly changing my eating habits and re-wiring my taste buds and cravings. Step one started on the 10th. No bread or grain...period. Once I get used to this, I'm going to cut out Pop and sugary drinks. After a week or two of that, I'll cut out candy and sugary snacks, replacing them with healthier more natural sweet choices. Then after that I'll cut out red meat, it typically doesn't settle right in my stomach anyway. So, hopefully, by my anniversary in April, I will have a whole new outlook on my eating. Using it to stay nourished rather than fill a void that it will never be able to fill.

Move More--This has probably been my area of least progress. While I have played catch with one of my clients more (and believe me, I am up and moving when we do that...since he always throws it away from where I'm standing) I have yet to get into a workout routine, mainly because the personal issues thrown at me required rest and relaxation. Hopefully in the next week or two I will get started with that.

Refresh Daily--This has been essential for me this week. Had it not been for making time with Him a priority each day, I would have drowned in the weight of the attacks this week. While I have stayed up to date with most of my devotionals, I have also fallen behind in a few, but I am determined to catch up this weekend and stay caught up from here on out. I have learned that this is the only way to ensure that I'll have what I need for the curve balls each day throws at me.

Little by little, I am making progress. It's more about a life change and taking better care of the temple that He's entrusted to me. I have fallen into some bad habits, they took time to get into, I'm sure they'll take just as much, if not more time to get out of. After all, a life change is about baby steps right?

Will you join us? We'd love to have you.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Messages from God

Yesterday, God not only showed me how limitless has looked in my life these past few weeks, but not only that, He began to heal my soul from a hard week. While I was driving three songs came on the radio.

I truly believe that this is to show me that He will always be there. He knows all thing and everything He does in and through my life is to bring about good. Even if it doesn't seem like it at the time, it will get better. My favorite part of this song is "You are God, You are God
Of all else I'm letting go". I'm letting go of all my wants, desires, fears, hopes, dreams, giving them into His hands because I believe that He has a plan more extraordinary then I can even plan.

This song stood to remind me that it's okay to come undone in His presence. He already knows what I need, so breaking myself to Him is the safest place to be. My favorite line from this song is: "It’s true what they say, Love must be blind, It’s why You’re still standing by this sinner’s side". It still amazes me that He remains faithful even when I am not.

This song reminded me that this is not my home, this is not the place where I belong. Again, no matter my hopes and dreams, all that really matters is who I reflect and where I call home in my heart. My favorite verse is this: "So when the walls come falling down on me and when im lost in the current of a raging sea i have this blessed assurance holding me." I am confident of this, the fact that He's holding me through everything.

Breathe in deep. Breathe out slowly. Can you feel the calm rushing in? The assurance and healing these songs can bring to any situation. I know my soul was refreshed when I heard these.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The looks of limitless

A few weeks ago, a word was impressed upon my heart. It was to be my word for 2012. That word was and still is limitless.

Over the past couple days I've found myself wondering "where have I seen something limitless or has the word molded my day to day actions. I came up empty.

That was...until today. I was sitting in intermediate mandt (self-defense 101) for work. We were on break and I was thinking on my word. When suddenly it dawned on me...this word is going to look different from day-to-day, week-to-week, ect.

Jan 1-7: God showed me what limitless joy looks like. The first week of the year was amazing. Must Love God got off to a great start. I have met some wonderful women through this blessing. I got started on an amazing journey through Paul's life with some precious friends. I have a new mentor relationship that started up this week as well, I'm really excited about all God's going to do in and through it. I have also set out on a journey to pray for Kevin for 31 days, each day has a different area to pray over.

Jan 8-14: This week God has shown me what his limitless strength looks like. I was looking SO forward to this week. Sunday was spent spending time with my sister down in Indy celebrating my birthday. Monday was the day my first post ran on Must Love God. This week classes started. This week was my first "official" meeting with my mentor and I also got together with the amazing woman who mentored me before. However, this week has ended on a something that's hard to bear. More to come on that later.

So far, for me, limitless has taken on very different looks. The first joy--oh the joy I felt last week. This week, the look is His strength because without it I wouldn't be able to bear life sometimes.

For those of you who already have a word this year, how's it going for you? I'd love to know.

For those of you who don't, it's not to late to start!

Blessings friends.

Here's to a weekend of relaxation.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Get real!

I had started on a blog post about my first day of class...since I only have one class I actually go to, I decided not to. Plus I felt something telling me that there would be something else, something bigger, something better to write about before work. About that time, my friend Kristi's most recent post popped up in my e-mail and after reading it I immediately knew that this was the bigger and better I was waiting for.

Kristi's on a journey to get healthy in all areas, as are all of us at Must Love God. In the post, she challenges us to just be real. Then she did something scary...she actually shared the deep dark secrets the numbers. The ones on the scale, and the ones on the label of the jeans. Which is scary for the writer. I found it to be extremely inspiring when I read it. So, here's my get real.

I am weighing in at 190lbs. My jean size is 13-16 depending on the jean/style ect. Since I don't have any pics especially shot for this, I'm going to use my most recent pictures. One of the ones from my trip to the Cheesecake Factory with my sister.

The goals? They're simple. Eat Clean. Move more. Refresh Daily.

Eat Clean:

What does this mean for me? I have been set on cutting my eating down to fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, and a little bit of bread and dairy each day. And scaling back big time on what I drink. Like drinking only water and healthy juices.

For me, if I don't go strict, it won't happen. If I allow a cheat day, I'll make it two days, then a week, then a month, and the vicious cycle begins again.\

Move More:

Choose to walk/run over drive if possible, take the clients at work on outings to the YMCA or the Mall and just walk with them, make workout time a priority-instead of an option. Stand instead of sit (it's proven to burn more calories). Walk in place when waiting in line.

Refresh Daily:

Make time with God an essential part of my day. Whether it's at the start (where I typically prefer it) or at the end (where it's more realistic to happen), make it a must.

How about you? Are you ready to get healthy? To live life to the full? To take the challenge to make maintain your temple? If so, let me know, in the comments! We'd love to have you join us!

Monday, January 9, 2012

My first

Today is an exciting day. A week ago yesterday, a new site started up. It's been something I've been excited for since I found out about it. Today, my first post runs there. Would you join me? We'd love to have you.
Must Love God
Join me here today

This weekend was a good, busy, crazy, exciting weekend. You can read about my day on Saturday here. After all that, I went out to dinner with my sister. She needed girl time. I decided to surprise her and invite mom to join us. We had an absolute blast. After dinner, we went to our cousin's house and got to see her and her adorable 6 week old.

Then yesterday, my sister (yes the same sister) and I went to Indianapolis (2 hours away) for the day. We went down there to celebrate my birthday...a day early. We ate lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. My first time eating there...EVER! The food was great. The cheesecake? AMAZING.

Then we walked around a couple malls for 2-3 hours between the two. In total, we probably spent about 5-6 hours down there. We got home around 7, at which time, I spent some time with my husband. We had dinner (I only ate like 1/3 of it and brought the rest home for leftovers).

On the way back, we found some amazing Christian music stations. They helped remind me of the goal to live every day and do everything as worship. There was one in particular that hit me pretty hard. It's by a group that I've never heard of before called 1000 Generations. It's called "It Could Be Me". Take a few minutes and listen to it. It may challenge you in ways that it challenged me:

There's the run down of my Sunday. I hope you're was amazing and was exactly what you needed!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days where there's just turmoil inside and you can't quite pin point any particular reason why? After getting off work at 3, I found myself restless, drained, in need of something refreshing...or rather Someone refreshing. So what did I do? I packed up my bible study stuff...yes all my study material and headed out for a quiet place...the library.

I immersed myself for about an hour and a half in His word, and the studies He has brought into my life. The aching feeling? Still there, but not as over powering. The library will be closing soon, and I'll be searching for another place to read catch up on the One Year Bible. I'm thinking Starbucks or something. Since it's too dark or too chilly to go else where.

While reading, a couple things struck me...hard. One of the challenges I undertook when this month started was to pray for Kevin for 31 days. Each day has a different area to focus on. Today's? Priorities. Which lead me to not only pray for his priorities, but also my own. After all, even if his are right, and mine are wrong, we're going to get nowhere. In doing so the song Jesus Be The Center came to my mind.

Last night early this morning while doing the Paul devotional I was hit hard by one of the things Beth Moore has written. She writes, "Without love for God and His Word, we're just trying to be good. Nothing will wear you out faster." Two-by-four right between the eyes with that one. Sure, I know what loving God looks like. Sure, I know what it means to follow Him. The question in my mind was, "how many of the things I participate in are done out completely out of love for him? And how many are done because in my mind I have put them into the category of following Christ means doing these things?" If I'm honest, the latter tends to be more true.

Then, today, during my down time at work, I started to read where I'd left off Grace for the Good Girl. I got about a paragraph in and I started asking myself, "why do I try to read this when I'm relaxing? It just kicks my butt into high gear to live authentically for God and not for the rules I have put on myself..." But I continued to read...
"God never intended for us to refer to church as a building. And he never intended worship to be reduced to a church service. His church is his people, and worship is what they do." 

That sobered me up quickly. That statement was quickly followed by this:
"...the woman who has freely [I inserted my word limitlessly and it read to be the same meaning] received the abundance of truth from Jesus abides in that truth as her very life...Free women respond with worship in everything."

Sure I've heard it preached that living is worship, but no one has ever spelled it out for me like this:
"We breathe in air and breathe out worship. We receive love and extend worship. We embrace children, offering worship. We comfort, we laugh, we mourn, we dance, we read, we dream, we exist--all worship. we pay the bills, we run on the treadmill, we enjoy a good movie, we make dinner, we welcome friends with open arms--worship, all worship. We send money and offer prayer and sit with a lonely neighbor, in Jesus' name. We wait for love, we long for home, we pour out our hearts and hopes and fears and longing; we create with words and photos and colors and food, all beautiful acts of worship."

These sentences put things into perspective for me. Worship isn't something I "do" at "church". Worship is how I live. If that's not straight forward enough. Emily boils it down even more:
"...when the Spirit of the living God lives inside of you, then your living is also your worship."

For me, this was HUGE. As the "worship" inside of the building tends to be the place that I feel God move, breathe and speak into me the most.

So, as my mind typically does, it drew a link between what Beth Moore wrote and what Emily wrote. Without love of God flowing limitlessly from my heart it's going to be rather hard to allow worship to be what I do. To look at life as worship and not living, I need to first learn what loving God wholeheartedly means--not only learning what it means, but allowing it to flow from me.

Have a blessed weekend. May your living be a reflection of your heart for Him and become worship from the heart rather than living from the "to-do list".

Friday, January 6, 2012

A week in

Here we stand, a week into 2012. I'm hanging in there, by a thread some days. This year I am determined to allow Limitless be the way I'm going to live.

Honestly, this week has been exhausting. Between work, and getting together with several people, most of whom I don't normally get together with, the memorial for someone taken from us way too soon, and on top of that the bible studies I'm attempting to keep up with, it's been a whirl wind week.

Some days I have felt like things are towering above me. Sure, I've fallen a day behind on a couple things. No, I'm not going to let that get me down. Nor am I going to let that discourage me from pressing on. From fighting the good fight.

This year I am not going to limit myself by allowing these things to overwhelm me. If I fall behind--I will finish. If I don't right now, perhaps it'll be God telling me to slow down and save something for later in the year. However, I am praying that I will be able to keep up.

As I go into this weekend, I'm working tomorrow but then my sissy and I are taking a trip to Indy to celebrate my birthday a day early. Gotta love her! The hubs and I are probably either going to do something after work on Monday or next weekend. This weekend got way too booked, way too quick.

Next week? Not quite as booked...at least out side of the house. So praying I get some down time and some relax time. There is no work for me next weekend--I plan on keeping it that way so I can relax and enjoy time to myself and with my family.

I'll be back Monday with a link to my first post over at Must Love God. Plus some exciting new insights from what this weekend brings about.

Have a blessed weekend friends. Lots of love and hugs coming your way.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tough Thursday Ahead

Today, I'll go in to work at 1, like always.

Today, I'll assist with transport, like always.

Today, I'll make dinner for the client, like always.

I wish I could say that today was going to be a typical day. I can do typical. Some times, however, life isn't that fair. Okay, I should say often. 

Today, instead of working until 9p, I will be getting off at 6. Normally, I would be overjoyed at some unexpected time off. Time to spend with friends and family. Today, however, the reason for me to be getting off early is a sad, hard, painful reason.

Today is the memorial for a family member of a good friend. A 9 year old girl who was taken from us too soon. A little girl whom I did not know personally, but her story will remain in my mind forever. I wrote a little bit about it here

Today, I ask friends, that you pray for the Lemmon family. Pray for this memorial. Pray against anyone who would come only to say "shame on you" to the little girl's mother for her choice of sitter because they don't know the whole of it, they only know what they've read or heard on the news. Pray against Satan's work to make it something other than what it is supposed to be: a reflection and celebration of the 9 years little Aliahna was on this earth.

Papa God, I lay before you the Lemmon family. I pray that you will surround them in your love, grace, peace and comfort. I pray that you deter all those who may set out tonight with ill intentions toward this memorial. I pray for your overwhelming presence to be there and that it will be evident to all--believers and non-believers, that Something greater is at work in this situation. I pray for the man who's responsible. I pray that You will work in his life through this as well. I pray for forgiveness from the family. For this man was created like all of us. He was used by Satan to get his will done. Let us not forget that unless we're on guard, we all could be used for a similar purpose. I pray against the schemes Satan has planned for tonight. I bind you and your schemes Satan. In Jesus Christ's precious name. Amen.

Thank you all for joining me in this. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year, New word, New phases

...all strung together by the old word. The word I used last year.

So...let me start off with: This is my 100th Post I thought it was SO cool that my first post of 2012 was my 100th post of all time. I honestly didn't think I'd see that number of posts when I set out on this blogging adventure. Nor did I ever expect the places that my writing would take me, the people I would meet through it, and the blessings that came out of doing so.

This is NEW YEARs day. I have been looking forward to this day for several reasons. The first being, the beginning of 2012 meant an end to a long, hard, trial-filled (both literally and spiritually), and mostly bad year for me.

The second is today is the day that a new website starts up. This site is one that we've been gearing up for lately. If you're looking to get healthier in all the areas listed and more, then please join us here.Must Love God

The third reason is because two beloved bloggers and myself are partaking in a bible study. One that is going to challenge us to see God and Christ in a new light. One that should *hopefully* give us the tools we need to truly unleash God in our lives. It's going to be challenging, but so worth it in the end. 

The fourth is because a bunch of us have dedicated to praying for our spouses for the first 31 days of 2012. This is similar to the book Power of a Praying wife, but has boiled it down to the simplest form. 31 days to pray for your spouse with hopes of making your marriage better, stronger, and ultimately more focused on God.

So this is something I don't typically plan to do. Pick a word for a year. I did last year, and here I am this year, with a word on my mind. This one came to me late last night as I was in the midst of a pity-party falling asleep.

Before I get to my NEW WORD, I'm going to highlight and old word that I'm going to continue to build upon. The word I came up with last year was actually an acronym--SEMP. It stands for Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Physical. I'll share more about that a week from tomorrow at MustLoveGod, so if you haven't subscribed yet, please do, if you don't, I'm sure I'll link to it on here too.

Now onto the new word. My word for this year is limitless.

A limit is something defined as a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass. That is not something I want in most areas of my life. I don't want to limit love, laughs, friends, myself, my family, and most importantly, my God.

Limitless means just the opposite. Having no limit or limits; unrestricted. I love that. I want to have an unrestricted relationship with my husband, my *genuine* friends, myself. I don't want to restrict the amount of love, or the number of laughs in my life. Most importantly I don't want to limit or restrict my God and His works in my life.

With that being said. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate my 100th post then with the highlights of the day. God amazes me. He allowed this milestone in my writing to fall on the day I've been the most excited for in several weeks, if not months.

I hope you'll join me in all the fun and growth this year! Blessings on you and yours for all of 2012, we'll talk again soon!

My Red Sea Road

  For a few weeks now this feeling has come and gone. It goes as quickly as it arrives.  For several days, it felt as though we were staring...