Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year, New word, New phases

...all strung together by the old word. The word I used last year.

So...let me start off with: This is my 100th Post I thought it was SO cool that my first post of 2012 was my 100th post of all time. I honestly didn't think I'd see that number of posts when I set out on this blogging adventure. Nor did I ever expect the places that my writing would take me, the people I would meet through it, and the blessings that came out of doing so.

This is NEW YEARs day. I have been looking forward to this day for several reasons. The first being, the beginning of 2012 meant an end to a long, hard, trial-filled (both literally and spiritually), and mostly bad year for me.

The second is today is the day that a new website starts up. This site is one that we've been gearing up for lately. If you're looking to get healthier in all the areas listed and more, then please join us here.Must Love God

The third reason is because two beloved bloggers and myself are partaking in a bible study. One that is going to challenge us to see God and Christ in a new light. One that should *hopefully* give us the tools we need to truly unleash God in our lives. It's going to be challenging, but so worth it in the end. 

The fourth is because a bunch of us have dedicated to praying for our spouses for the first 31 days of 2012. This is similar to the book Power of a Praying wife, but has boiled it down to the simplest form. 31 days to pray for your spouse with hopes of making your marriage better, stronger, and ultimately more focused on God.

So this is something I don't typically plan to do. Pick a word for a year. I did last year, and here I am this year, with a word on my mind. This one came to me late last night as I was in the midst of a pity-party falling asleep.

Before I get to my NEW WORD, I'm going to highlight and old word that I'm going to continue to build upon. The word I came up with last year was actually an acronym--SEMP. It stands for Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Physical. I'll share more about that a week from tomorrow at MustLoveGod, so if you haven't subscribed yet, please do, if you don't, I'm sure I'll link to it on here too.

Now onto the new word. My word for this year is limitless.

A limit is something defined as a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass. That is not something I want in most areas of my life. I don't want to limit love, laughs, friends, myself, my family, and most importantly, my God.

Limitless means just the opposite. Having no limit or limits; unrestricted. I love that. I want to have an unrestricted relationship with my husband, my *genuine* friends, myself. I don't want to restrict the amount of love, or the number of laughs in my life. Most importantly I don't want to limit or restrict my God and His works in my life.

With that being said. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate my 100th post then with the highlights of the day. God amazes me. He allowed this milestone in my writing to fall on the day I've been the most excited for in several weeks, if not months.

I hope you'll join me in all the fun and growth this year! Blessings on you and yours for all of 2012, we'll talk again soon!


  1. That's so incredible! 100 posts...isn't that amazing? Love your writing. Looking forward to following that other website/blog also. Thanks!

  2. Welcome back to bloggersville Susan! You've been missed. I did a lil more writing than originally planned. A lot has happened in a week! Ha.

  3. Yeah, I started to panic when I discovered I couldn't post but then I realized I could still WRITE. Which was good for me. To still want to write even when no one was reading., whew!...I'm back. Good to be here! lol. Excited for your new stuff. {and now it sounds as though my kids are destroying their room...going to check to see if repairs are necessary. lol!}

  4. Limitless!! What an AWESOME word. I love it.

    And *warm fuzzies* at being counted among the beloved...
    Such an important word for me...
    So excited about 2012!!!

  5. Excited about all these things, too. Also, like you, I'm not sorry to see 2011 come to an end. But we must wait expectantly as He unfolds His beautiful plan for us in 2012! I LOVE your word ... limitless. Great things are coming, Beloved:)

  6. Meredith, I've onlyknown you a few months, but feel like I've known you for several years. Beloved...a word I'm still figuring it out. I've written on it before dunno if it's been since we met.

  7. The cherry on top will come in October. That is when two of my best friends are getting married. I learned a lot in 2011 that I will take with me through this year and many to come. I am so.excited for the things yet to be learned.

  8. I've thought about what 'one word' would be for my 2012. And the idea came to me that I just want to be with Him this year. If He's over 'there'...I want to be there. If He's right here...then I'll stay right here. So I guess if I had to reduce it to one word, it would be...'with' {as weird as that looks all by its lonesome ;) }.

  9. Congrats on 100 posts! I love your word for this year:) Happy New Year!

  10. Thanks, I'm so excited! This is going to be a big year, I just know it! Happy New Year to you!

  11. [...] A few weeks ago, a word was impressed upon my heart. It was to be my word for 2012. That word was and still is limitless. [...]

  12. […] for each year has helped in many ways. I started fully participating in it in 2012 with the word limitless. Boy did that year sure live up to it it too. In 2013 the central focus for the year was trust. […]


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