Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tough Thursday Ahead

Today, I'll go in to work at 1, like always.

Today, I'll assist with transport, like always.

Today, I'll make dinner for the client, like always.

I wish I could say that today was going to be a typical day. I can do typical. Some times, however, life isn't that fair. Okay, I should say often. 

Today, instead of working until 9p, I will be getting off at 6. Normally, I would be overjoyed at some unexpected time off. Time to spend with friends and family. Today, however, the reason for me to be getting off early is a sad, hard, painful reason.

Today is the memorial for a family member of a good friend. A 9 year old girl who was taken from us too soon. A little girl whom I did not know personally, but her story will remain in my mind forever. I wrote a little bit about it here

Today, I ask friends, that you pray for the Lemmon family. Pray for this memorial. Pray against anyone who would come only to say "shame on you" to the little girl's mother for her choice of sitter because they don't know the whole of it, they only know what they've read or heard on the news. Pray against Satan's work to make it something other than what it is supposed to be: a reflection and celebration of the 9 years little Aliahna was on this earth.

Papa God, I lay before you the Lemmon family. I pray that you will surround them in your love, grace, peace and comfort. I pray that you deter all those who may set out tonight with ill intentions toward this memorial. I pray for your overwhelming presence to be there and that it will be evident to all--believers and non-believers, that Something greater is at work in this situation. I pray for the man who's responsible. I pray that You will work in his life through this as well. I pray for forgiveness from the family. For this man was created like all of us. He was used by Satan to get his will done. Let us not forget that unless we're on guard, we all could be used for a similar purpose. I pray against the schemes Satan has planned for tonight. I bind you and your schemes Satan. In Jesus Christ's precious name. Amen.

Thank you all for joining me in this. 


  1. Thanks Meredith! It means a lot. I'll let you know how it goes.

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