Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Get real!

I had started on a blog post about my first day of class...since I only have one class I actually go to, I decided not to. Plus I felt something telling me that there would be something else, something bigger, something better to write about before work. About that time, my friend Kristi's most recent post popped up in my e-mail and after reading it I immediately knew that this was the bigger and better I was waiting for.

Kristi's on a journey to get healthy in all areas, as are all of us at Must Love God. In the post, she challenges us to just be real. Then she did something scary...she actually shared the deep dark secrets the numbers. The ones on the scale, and the ones on the label of the jeans. Which is scary for the writer. I found it to be extremely inspiring when I read it. So, here's my get real.

I am weighing in at 190lbs. My jean size is 13-16 depending on the jean/style ect. Since I don't have any pics especially shot for this, I'm going to use my most recent pictures. One of the ones from my trip to the Cheesecake Factory with my sister.

The goals? They're simple. Eat Clean. Move more. Refresh Daily.

Eat Clean:

What does this mean for me? I have been set on cutting my eating down to fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, and a little bit of bread and dairy each day. And scaling back big time on what I drink. Like drinking only water and healthy juices.

For me, if I don't go strict, it won't happen. If I allow a cheat day, I'll make it two days, then a week, then a month, and the vicious cycle begins again.\

Move More:

Choose to walk/run over drive if possible, take the clients at work on outings to the YMCA or the Mall and just walk with them, make workout time a priority-instead of an option. Stand instead of sit (it's proven to burn more calories). Walk in place when waiting in line.

Refresh Daily:

Make time with God an essential part of my day. Whether it's at the start (where I typically prefer it) or at the end (where it's more realistic to happen), make it a must.

How about you? Are you ready to get healthy? To live life to the full? To take the challenge to make maintain your temple? If so, let me know, in the comments! We'd love to have you join us!


  1. Oh, Amy. You have inspired me today, beloved friend!!! You GO!! I'm coming with!!!!

  2. Aww yay! Momma Kristi inspired me this morning. Along with another friend this morning. This seems to be the most promising outlook that I've had on actually getting healthy. I'm so excited to add this to our journey together!

  3. Kristi was SOO excited that you joined in!
    I am in too!!!


  4. Meredith, I am soo excited that you're joining in! *Love doing life with you* and by you, I mean both of you ladies!

  5. Amy, its so great to see your commitment. I have so much trouble in this area! Blessings on your journey!

  6. Oh, I typically don't have a problem committing, but it can lead to over-commitment if I don't watch it close enough

  7. [...] week, I joined a friend in posting to get real about living a healthy life.Not only are we both doing this, her post had such an impact and [...]


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