Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February Awaits

Earlier today I was driving and suddenly an idea comes to mind...

I am so excited about this. I will be keeping a running list each day after I post. I am taking Lisa-Jo's concept of the 5 minute Friday and spreading it to everyday throughout February.

The Goal? To take five minutes and just write without worrying about if it's just right or not.

I will be starting this tomorrow and running it through the entire month. I would love to have some of you come aboard and join me with this. If you're interested, please don't hesitate to let me know and I'll shoot out the list of the topics for each day to you via e-mail. :)

I'm pumped about this and I hope you'll join me for this journey.

If you want to join this challenge, feel free to use this to add the button (I think it should work):

<a href="www.belovedpursuit.com/february-awaits" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1211.photobucket.com/2012/01/31/albums/cc427/godsbeloved110/Blog%20Stuff/notepad-1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="FiveMinuteFebruary"></a>

Blessings friends.

Day One: Go

Day Two: Yes

Day Three: Challenge

Day Four: No

Day Five:  Wait

Day Six: Impossible

Day Seven: Serve

Day Eight: Fruit

Day Nine: Accountable

Day Ten: Acceptance

Day Eleven: Safety

Day Twelve: Books

Day Thirteen: Friendship

Day Fourteen: Marriage

Day Fifteen: Family

Day Sixteen: Health

Day Seventeen: Commitment

Day Eighteen: Sacrifice

Day Nineteen: No post

  Day Twenty: Submission

Day Twenty-One: Pain

Day Twenty-Two: Loss

Day Twenty-Three: Doubt

Day Twenty-Four: Security

Day Twenty-Five: Grace

Day Twenty-Six: Faith

Day Twenty-Seven: Hope

Day Twenty-Eight: Crave

Day Twenty-Nine: No Post


  1. [...] belovedpursuit for those seeking their creator HomeBlogging FriendsWho is Amy McCollister? RSS ← February Awaits [...]

  2. [...] out the details of my theme for this month here. If you’re new reader, welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay! If you’re a returning [...]

  3. [...] Here we go! For an explanation of what you’ll see going on around here this month, look here. [...]

  4. [...] Feel free to check out the concept for February here. [...]

  5. [...] or welcome back (whichever fits better). To see what I’ve got going on this month you can go here and get the [...]

  6. [...] fresh week. A fresh challenge. A fresh start. A fresh subject for my Five Minute February [...]

  7. [...] We’re officially half way through February! This, of course, means we’re half way through Five Minute February as well. If you’ve missed any of the other days, you can check them out here. [...]

  8. [...] sixteen here of Five Minute February! It is also, our weekly Count Me Accountable day over at Must Love God as well! But first. I must [...]

  9. [...] My goal for this month is to write for five minutes a day, each day. (I’ve made it pretty close. Only missed one day so far.) I write for five minutes flat. Writing without worrying about if it’s just right or not. In these five minutes this month, my heart has shown more often than not. To see the whole list of posts you can go here. [...]


My Red Sea Road

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