Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lenten Journey

Today. Wednesday. February 13, 2013. Today marks the start of the Lenten journey to the celebration of Christ's resurrection. After giving myself some time to sit, think, and pray over this year's Lenten season, my quest for His call for me this year came.

Sitting at work on Friday, I was talking to a co-worker about possibly fasting from bread for Lent. You see, I found a very strong, very satisfying (physically) love affair with bread. Especially buttered toast...don't ask me why because I still don't understand it.

Just when I thought my heart was settled. I felt the nudge. The nudge to do more. The nudge to plunge into more than just what is convenient to give up.

Naturally, my mind, heart and soul went to dedicating these 40 days to the Paleo way of eating. Once again, this was familiar to me. This was something I am comfortable doing. After all, up until my journey to motherhood started, that was the lifestyle I had.

So then I felt the whisper. Daniel Fast. I dug my feet in. Then I feel my heart strings pull. Daniel Fast. I attempt to ignore it. Then the proverbial 2X4. The reminder of a journey last year. Taken with a stranger who has turned into one of the dearest friends I have.

A journey to eliminate the comfort foods. Such breakthroughs were revealed. Trust in Him built more with each passing day.

So this year friends. I am choosing to heed the call. The typical Daniel Fast is 21 days, but I am feeling called to do it the whole 40 days. With one minor difference to the traditional Daniel Fast. I will be including milk for an extra source of protein.

The goals for this fast?

  1. To re-learn how to turn to Him to meet my needs before going to food

  2. To trust that He will reveal Himself to me as I am faithful to follow His call

  3. To get a handle on my eating habits; to become a healthier eater

  4. To gain control over my habit of eating to satisfy every need

  5. To break the hold that food has over me; dethroning this idol

Why do I share this? After all Jesus did say,
"Whenever you fast, do not put on a gloomy face as the hypocrites do, for they neglect their appearance so that they will be noticed by men when they are fasting. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. "But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face so that your fasting will not be noticed by men, but by your Father who is in secret ; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."  (Matthew 6:16-18)

I share this to ask you to pray with me. For my heart. For my determination. For my growth. That I might be able to resist the temptations that are sure to rise. That I will seek satisfaction in my Father rather than in food. That I will open myself up and allow my heart to be broken, reconstructed and redirected by the only One who can show me the way to go.

I thank you for partnering with me in this way.

What about you? Any way I can support you on your Lenten journey this year?

Linking up with


Friday, February 8, 2013

{FMF} Bare

Linking up today with over 200 other writers. Each week Lisa Jo selects a prompt. A one word prompt. Then we write. We write blindly for five minutes. It's always fun to join in, write my post, link up, then visit other writers. Some of my nearest and dearest friends have grown out of a FMF discovery. Won't you join us?



Baring my heart is something I strive for here. As of late, there's not been a whole lot going on. Well not at least inspiration wise for this little home of mine.

The bare naked truth is, there has been a lot going on outside of this comfort zone. If I'm honest, a lot of it drains me. To the point that by the time I get my day started, I'm already exhausted. Even more so by the end of the day. Not leaving a whole lot of time for things I loved before.

I love being a mother. I love having a son. I love co-parenting with my husband. The one downside is that I find myself missing some of my old friends. My old hobbies that I used to have so much time for.

Things like my crocheting, reading, and yes, my writing. By the time I even sit down to look into this little home of mine, my mind is bare. Left with nothing more to give. Even now, my brain just feels all used up.

Leaving my heart bare on the page. Yes, that is what the point of each and every post that I write on here. Do I get into a groove, where I cannot stop talking about the same thing in every post? You bet I do. I believe that's okay...because at least I'm being real. I'm bearing my soul.

I have missed baring myself to you, my reader, my friend. I truly have. Hopefully soon, I will find the energy to do so again.


My Red Sea Road

  For a few weeks now this feeling has come and gone. It goes as quickly as it arrives.  For several days, it felt as though we were staring...