The best way to thrive through change is to rely completely on the one who doesn't change.
For I, the LORD, do not change... (Mal 3:6)
With all that has come and gone, it's time for rediscovery. This place is a step toward doing so. Time to rediscover the Lover of my soul. Rediscover the draw writing has always had on my heart. Rediscover who I am and have been made to be despite anything life throws my way. In this place we will do real, we will do fresh, we will do life-real life-together.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thriving Through Change {Day 31}
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Thriving Through Change {Day 21}
Tell me, friend. Is there anything in particular (song or otherwise) that helps you to refocus when things have seemed to have gone awry?

Friday, October 17, 2014
Thriving through change {Day 17}
When the news comes, or the situation shifts, or someone pulls back, we are baffled. Not in the why, but by how unprepared we really are. The changes that we expected just leave us feeling like we'd been punched in the gut.
Have you been there? Me too.
It's in these times that I've seen memorized scriptures do what only they can. They come back to mind, the bandage the wound, and begin to heal. Whether or not it directly correlates to the situation or not, scripture brings with it peace, joy and healing.
Don't have any scripture memorized? That's okay. Because even just reading a verse or two, writing it down on a notecard where you're sure to see it, or listening to scripture based songs are all fantastic ways to get scripture into your heart and mind. I'm pretty sure that once you start reading, you'll realize you really do have scripture memorized, but in quote/saying form that you never knew was truly scripture.
How has scripture helped you through change?

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Thriving through Change {Day 16}
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Thriving Through Change {Day 14}
So my friend, I ask you this. Were you one who was drastically saved from the stoop of Hell? Or were you protected from walking the road that leads to unfulfillment and devastation? Or somewhere in between?
*This post is part of a 31 day series. Here is the list of posts in this series. I hope you'll continue reading and join in this journey with me.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Thriving Through Change {Day 13}
Humility in the Bible is not what our world thinks it is now. It is more than a temporary missions trip. It is a consistent, daily, deliberate choice to empty myself. To not only live as a servant--who is often compensated in some way for their work, but as a slave--someone who is own by another. Not only living this way, but doing so willingly. A slave to God's will, when He comes to us with instructions, we immediately begin to work. Without hesitating. Without questioning. Without complaining.
That was taken straight from my notes taken during our sermon yesterday. One the ways that I have found helps when working through change is to take on this role of humility. To stop thinking thoughts like: "I don't deserve all this." "I've already been through so much." "Why me?" That's a list that could go on and on. All of those thoughts lead me to only seeing the situation in a bad light. When, in reality, any change that comes has a purpose. It's time to stop thinking ourselves better than change.
The mentality of me has never been more prevalent. The good news is this: that with God in our lives, we are free to exit the circle the world says we need to be on. The one centered on self. We can get out of that circle by simply entering an alternative option. The circle that is centered on Christ. Who He is. What He has done. What He wants to use His creation for.
In better words, we should look at any change in life with the attitude that Christ. Anger, bitterness, and denial will get us nowhere. Acceptance, reliance on God, and a good support system are crucial to ensuring that we walk with the correct attitude.
*This post is part of a 31 day series. Here is the list of posts in this series. I hope you’ll continue reading and join in this journey with me.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Thriving through Change {Day 12}
This is especially true for those of us who are followers of God. We are told that we are not meant to me comfortable. In fact, we are told that we will be put through trials. We will be ridiculed. We will be beaten. If we are following hard after God, a few things are certain: we will rarely feel comfortable. Change will continually be happening. Rejection will come.
"Signing up" to follow God is a call that is guaranteed to be hard. In the end, it will be worth it. So much more than we can imagine. Following hard after God means we not only accept and submit to change, but we embrace it. We should be striving, day in and day out, to change. Not just for the sake of changing though. We should be chasing after the only change that will matter in the end, changing to be more like God.
This is a journey that will take the rest of our lives. We should always be running this race. Sometimes it will feel as though we take 1 step forward, but then 2 steps back. Friend, that's okay. God knows our heart. After all, He created us for such a time as this. If we are trusting in Him, then the changes will not destroy us.
*This post is part of a 31 day series. Here is the list of posts in this series. I hope you’ll continue reading and join in this journey with me.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Thriving Through Change {Day 9}
What's worse is when the change made by someone else may be a small change, but causes major complications. Like the small stone tossed into water causes ripples that go on and on, so does the effects of this seemingly small change.
The thing is, unless we are in a healthy state, able to step back and assess the change, it's likely to cause nothing but chaos. However, if we are focused on the One who is in control of everything under the sun, we often find peace we cannot explain. Sure, there may be momentary panic, but with a deep breath it dissolves.
We must let go of our desire to control everything. Surrender that control. If we do not, we will be strewn head over feet with every change - big or small.

I encourage you to take some time in prayer and ask God where you're at and how you can handle change better.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Thriving Through Change {Day 7}
Did you listen to it? Good, because I'd love to hear your input or a link to a song that has brought about change in your life.
*This post is part of a 31 day series. Here is the list of posts in this series. I hope you'll continue reading and join in this journey with me.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Thriving through change {Day 6}
Yesterday's focus was on change and growth. Change is a fact of life, it comes whether we like it or not. However change doesn't always mean growth.
The only time we can be certain that change means growth is when we are intentional about what changes we make. When it comes to health, our good intentions get us nowhere. However, when we deliberately take the choices to change our habits, that's where real change happens.

What are some active steps that you need to take to make change happen?
*This post is part of a 31 day series. Here is the list of posts in this series. I hope you'll continue reading and join in this journey with me.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Thriving Through Change {Day 5}
Relational changes.
These, like the others, can swing from subtle changes to drastic changes. Going from acquaintance to friend, friend to best friend, and the like are along the more subtle changes. You have this friend and suddenly, it's like they're your sibling...closer than your sibling. This typically happens with time and shared experiences.
More drastic are when one friend moves away. A birth. A death. An end to a friendship. Beginning to date. Choosing not to any longer. Getting married. Divorced. As well as numerous other ways.
Some of these decisions are easier to make than others. Almost all, however, do have a lasting effect. Not just on one party, but on all invested in the relationship.
The key to thriving when relationships change is remembering the One who has promised us to always be the same.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
By remembering that God is always the same, that he will never leave, it makes it easier to trust him when our relationships with other people change.
For me, a memorable change took place 9 years ago today. Kevin and I officially moved from that awkward like each other, to dating phase. More recent, my relationships with two awesome ladies was redefined when myself and another friend both had job changes. So the three of us went from seeing each other 5 days a week to maybe a couple times a month. Another friendship, the one with my accountability partner, came back. We had taken a hiatus but (once this mandatory OT is over) we're back in full swing. Excited to be walking life together again.
The bottom line being this, when we trust God's will for our life, we are also giving him our relationships as well. He will prune the unhealthy ones and nurture the healthy ones. But first, we have to let go of our two fisted grip on our relationships and give Him the opportunity to do so.
My friend, is it time to let go of our draw to control over our relationships so that some may fall apart, that other (more fitting ones) may fall together?
*This post is part of a 31 day series. Here is the list of posts in this series. I hope you'll continue reading and join in this journey with me.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Thriving through change {Day 4}
Spiritual change is similar to mental change in the sense that what we focus on, how we spend our time, and the choices we make impact it immensely. Not only that but it is sometimes hard to gauge exactly where we are. In fact, often the only way we have any inclination is from hind sight and insight from others close to us.
The biggest thing I've found to help us close friends. More importantly, my accountability partner. I have no doubt that the change in my spiritual life wouldn't be good if it weren't for having someone I trust to completely confide in. Someone who knows what's going on without me even having to say anything.
Spiritual change is a vital part of life. One we need to have a grasp on. We need to be taking steps to ensure that we are staying consistent.
Remembering that it is okay to let someone in. One who won't hurt out of spite, but speak the hard truths in love. Someone we can do the same for. Even if it's met with a tongue sticking out because it's not what we want to hear but we know it's what we need to hear.
What would you say is the most important tool for you to keep tabs on how you're doing spiritually?
*This post is part of a 31 day series. Here is the list of posts in this series. I hope you'll continue reading and join in this journey with me.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Thriving through Change {Day 3}
This one is harder to gauge. Most of the time, a mental change does not happen in the blink of an eye. No, this sort of change takes work and focus. However, it also happens in the reverse.
When we're diligent about what we're setting our mind on. We purposely seek out those people/things which build us up. We are intent on insuring the music we listen to, the shows we watch, the things we read, the people we spend time with, and what we use our free time doing. We will see our minds begin to shift to thinking more positively about everything in and around us.
However, when we fail to remain focused on those which build us up, we find ourselves easily distracted. We begin to crave things that we know aren't any good for us. We will find ourselves slipping. Sometimes it'll only be a step or two, other times we'll find ourselves so far down in the pit that we don't even know when or how we arrived there.
The best way I've found to remain focused on that which will build me up, is to remain connected with people who love, support and are praying for me always. For me, this comes through my accountability partner, my women's group through church and my online study gals. These relationships are vital to me.
We are walking through the tough stuff of life together all because we all realized that we needed something more. That walking through this life is harder when you do not have anyone to help you through.
If I'm totally honest, by the end of last week, I found myself down. By Wednesday, I was exhausted in every aspect of life. I was short with the ones I love the most. I was just feeling run down. Over the weekend I figured out why, I had allowed myself to get distracted during the time I'd been using to study the word.
Instead of saying no to the things that vied for my attention during that hour (or so) after work, I said yes to going and doing things other than study the word and let Him nourish my soul.
The challenge now is to become more adamant about taking that time to search our my Creator, to praise Him, to listen for His words for me each day. I have to say yes to taking the time that He has blessed me with to go sit and meet with Him.
Using that time for anything else has proven to hinder this thriving through change.
Is there time in your day where you need to say no to something in order to say yes to being loved on by the Lover of your soul?
*This post is part of a 31 day series. To find the entire list of posts please go to this post. I cannot wait to share this experience with you.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Thriving through change {Day 2}
We experience physical changes frequently. Whether it's from gaining weight, losing weight, growing, shrinking. Going from hot to cold, hungry, thirsty, and the like. These things are just apart of our human existence. Most of these changes are manageable, predictable.
The hardest physical changes come when they're unexpected, uncontrollable and unstoppable. The accident that takes away. The work related injury that takes us out of the working game. The surgery that ultimately changes the course of our life. The move that takes us away from all that is familiar, causing us to restart. The diagnosis that alters the family speechless and redefines what "normal" is for them. The temporary set back that moves our finish line to our goal back by days, weeks, months and sometimes years.
As I'm sure you're aware, physical change can range in many ways. We're looking here at both physical as in bodily, and physical as in location. Physical change hurts, often more than the rest. This type of change can be good or bad. Often it's dependent on our choices. A direct consequence of our action -- or inaction.
How can we possibly thrive in the face of physical changes? By relying on the One who holds us in his hands. When we choose to lean hard into the God who never changes, we can draw strength. When we seek His heart, we find the purpose behind the change. When we ugly cry out to Him, He is faithful to mend our broken hearts.
By breaking through our pride, humbling ourselves at His feet when it hurts, especially when these changes hurt, we will find healing. We will find mercy to take each day step by step. We will find help to hold our head up and smile.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Thriving through change {Day 1}
This song popped into my head as soon as I felt this topic come on. We were not made to remain stagnant. We are meant to change. Not just change but to thrive while going through it. So we start this series with a simple question:
That may seem like a silly question. Of course, we all know change. After all, everything around us changes every day. For most, even every minute.
Change is as certain as death.
Change defined is this:
a. To cause to be different.
b. To give a completely different form or appearance to; transform.
Change happens in multiple ways. Whether it be physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, visibly or not. Most change has one thing in common. It hurts.
So this month we'll be looking into how change forms us. How we can not only tolerate, but learn and grow through times of intense change. As well as see different ways this change can and should draw us closer to our Creator. After all, He knows when, where and how change is coming. The best way to be prepared for it is to remain in consistent contact with Him.

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