Tuesday, January 3, 2017

We are more...

...than our job choice. More than the career in which we spend most of our waking hours working. We are made for more than punching in, working, and punching out. Our identity is not what we do to provide for ourselves. It can only be found in the One who created us.

We were primarily made for fellowship with God. Yes, with instructions to care for the land around us (Gen 2:15). However, like most things humans get a hold of, we took it to the extreme.
In today's society one of the first things you learn about someone is what their career is. Then the concepts of position in the family, if you will. Tack on a list of hobbies, TV shows and various activities we participate in. When really someone wanting to learn about us is really looking to learn what traits we have.
While common interests, jobs, ect are great places to start a relationship. It's mutual sharing of heart issues that strengthens a relationship. This is something a lot of relationships lack.
Likewise, our purpose and worth aren't tied to actions. Not in the meetings we attend. Not in the deeds we do. Not in how we choose to spend our "free" time. Both of these things rest in who God says we are and who He created us to be.
When all is said and our days on earth are done, God's not going to be as concerned with what we were involved in. It's a sure bet, He'll be more interested in how we loved those he gave us. How well we reflect His being to those around us. As well as, and most importantly, our relationship with Him day in and day out.
Without a close walk with God, time in His word, Scripture placed in our heart, and worship as a lifestyle, everything else we give time and attention to is meaningless.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Becoming Bold

Over the last couple years, I have felt as though life just kind of happened to me. Instead of doing what I could to prepare myself, my mind and my heart for what may come, I let life run me over. I'd lost interest in a lot of the things that had once brought a lot of passion and meaning to my life. Writing being one of them.

With the start of the new year, I felt like it was finally time to create a new space to share my heart and life with you all. My goal, as always is to create a safe space for anyone who might find themselves in this space with me. As well as being a writer who strives for authenticity, encouragement and grace. Oh so much grace, to myself and to you.

The last few weeks, as I was looking on to what 2017 may have for me, I felt the pull to step into this new place. It will be a year of rediscovering exactly who I am, what I stand for and how to be the best me I can in every step of life.

In past years I have taken on words in which I hoped would saturate each step I took, only to lose sight of that word very quickly. I have also done the whole resolution stance, only to break those in the first week. So this year, there will be neither of those. My only goal this year is to become more proactive in seeking the One who knows what is down the path

By setting aside time each day to commune with my Creator, I will be better prepared for life's joys, disappointments, and everything in between. Rediscovering what my faith really means to me will better me as a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. A year to become a woman who is not only a more understanding person, but one who oozes grace, love and compassion. Three of the most vital aspects for any follower of Christ.

I hope that you will join me for this year. As it will be one of change, growth and fun.

A new, fresh start

Hello there, friends

I wanted to let you know that this will be my last post on this sight. I have spent quite a bit of time over the last few months contemplating a change. I've been feeling like it's time for something new. If you still wish to follow my writings, I will be found at boldlyamy.blogspot.com from here on out. Thanks to all of you who have made this place feel like home, and I can only hope that you'll join me over at my new home.

Lots of love.

My Red Sea Road

  For a few weeks now this feeling has come and gone. It goes as quickly as it arrives.  For several days, it felt as though we were staring...