Monday, October 9, 2017


I am enough.

This is the message that's run by me AT LEAST 3 times today. I heard it in the message spoken. I read it in a devotional, and again in a book i just started. I just saw it in a post. I felt it in my heart, soul, as each of these came across my path.

These last few months have contained a lot of new. A new position at work flinging me deeper into learning than I was even aware. All the new that comes with the first year of life with a new child. The adjustments needed in the day to day so each child gets the time they need. And on the list could go.

Life has been all go, go, go. Some of it by choice, some of it by happenstance. With all the pull in so many directions, I'm rediscovering the meaning of words that seem so easy to suggest doing, even when we all know how hard it is to carry out.

A big one is rest. To allow myself time to recoup from things. Learning that I can't always immediately go from one thing to another. This is for my sanity, as well as my family. Rest, is good but rest is better when I rest in God, his promises and his guidance.

Another is cherishing the small things throughout the busy. The times my super independent 4.5 year old comes and asks, "can I sit with you?" The answer is always yes, even though he doesn't fit nearly as well as he used to. The times when baby girl forces me to stop because it seems the only way she'll calm is with cuddle time. The laughs with my husband, over barely anything sometimes.

Another lesson on the horizon is learning that which needs to take priority. People, events, tasks. Absolutely everything that we commit time, energy and thought to runs through a filter. Learning to say no to inherently good things, in order to let more lasting things blossom.

Remembering I am enough. Just as I am. Imperfections and all. This is where I need to let my heart lie.

Letting God remind me, constantly sometimes that he made me to be me. That by simply being me, is enough.

That is where true freedom is found.

My Red Sea Road

  For a few weeks now this feeling has come and gone. It goes as quickly as it arrives.  For several days, it felt as though we were staring...