Just over a week ago I was privileged to see a concert. Walking in I was feeling stressed, rushed, and quite honestly, not wanting to be there. Something deep down urged my feet to keep walking. Into the sanctuary where the intro band had already started.
The band playing ushered in an atmosphere of worship. It was in that time that slowly but surely the weight began to fall away. Being replaced, ever so delicately by something light, freeing and refreshing.
As the bands came and went the worship continued. One song in particular brought brand new perspective of worship. It was in this that I discovered worship in a different light.
You see, one of my best friends and I were here together. This year really hasn't treated her well. The band explained, as in the video above, where this song came from and why it was so important. It was in this moment that a revelation was brought forth. This song in particular taught me, again, how to really support someone in the midst of the toughest trials they may face.
After 2 words of this song, we fell together, both in tears. One praying the words of the song personally, the other pouring the words in support. As the song ended, I felt a new stirring in my heart. Tonight would set a change in the demeanor of my heart.
I've always been an extremely empathetic person. Often deeply feeling the emotions and experiences of others. This part of me had dulled over time. At this concert, this side of me was opened back up.
Later on we worshipped together to another song and instead of proclaiming these things true in my life, I found myself singing in agreement. Proclaiming these truths over someone else. In agreement we lifted our eyes, ears and hearts to our Creator believing that He has before, He still can and He will.
It leaves me thinking about the times I claim to believe things to be true but then my follow through doesn't live up. The times that because someone doesn't fit in my life a certain way that I've just brushed them and their concerns off. When someone comes to me and I fail to really hear what is being expressed.
While I believe boundaries are good, and often necessary, how many times do we miss an opportunity because we're to hurried to see passed our current situation? What about the times we can't get passed our temporary set backs to really look into where someone finds themselves?