Friday, October 5, 2018

God is still good

We are all well aware of the fact that our world is on a state of disfunction. This is sadly a reality of living in a world with an enemy who lives and thrives on brokenness, hatred, dissension, and pain.

Dissension is the biggest one being brought to the forefront. No one is able to turn anywhere without seeing it. Dissension is absolutely everywhere. 

Every day it seems that a new story comes out that has strong feelings and beliefs on both sides. The next more astonishing than the one before. With each of these stories the wedge is being driven down further and further. 

We see many whom we love in heated debates, arguments even over subjects that, in the end, likely won't directly effect them or anyone they know. These fights leave every party exhausted, always on the brink of defeat, bruised and even more broken than before. So many of us want to make their point known with little interest in having civil conversations about it and actually listening to another viewpoint.

Our country is so polarized over everything it possibly could be. It is literally killing us from the inside out. 

Heres the thing though. These are wars that we were never meant to fight. They are not ours to fight. God is fighting and will continue to fight until He has won.

We are called to many things and arguing over worldly happenings is not one of them.

Where there is brokenness we are called into restoration.
Where there is hatred we are called to love.
Where there is fear we are called to have faith.
Where there is dissension, we are called to seek peace and unity.
Where there is pain, we are called to the Healer.
Where there is Satan, we are to call upon God to usher in. To redeem and restore what is already His.

This is not how the world was ever meant to be, but being a Christian in this world we don't need to fear. We are told in John 16:33 " this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." No matter how ugly this world gets we can take heart because God has already conquered anything we will encounter.

My Red Sea Road

  For a few weeks now this feeling has come and gone. It goes as quickly as it arrives.  For several days, it felt as though we were staring...