Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baby Steps...

That's how we begin a process of change right?

Earlier this week, a friend and I were talking. With all the craziness that is known as first trimester pregnancy, some very vital things have been thrown down to the bottom of my priorities list. The thing is, I know where they should be. I know where I want them to be. Those two places would be the same.

Here's what I know my priorities should be (and what I want them to be):

  1. God/Quiet time

  2. Husband

  3. Family

  4. Friends

  5. Everything else

Here's what they have been:

  1. Everything else

  2. Friends

  3. Husband

  4. Family

  5. God/Quiet time

So lately I've been a little confused, stressed, easily irritated, and so on. Through conversations like the one I mentioned earlier, I have come to realize that I have a great need to get my priorities back in line. Until they are in proper order (or at least close to proper order) those mental states are not going to change.

The One Year Bible with the hubs? Yeah, we started it off with great intentions...but haven't been able to remain as steadfast as either of us had hoped. So we'll try it later, maybe after the baby comes, but until then, we're going to look for something else to do together.

This morning, before work, I took a baby step in the right direction. I made a quiet time binder. It's a central location for anything and everything pertaining to quiet time/spiritual health. It will contain everything from a prayer journal, scriptures that jump out at me during quiet time, excerpts from devotionals/blogs/books that I really like and want to have easily accessible, to songs that nourish my soul, the 1,000 gifts list(s), ect.

Baby step two, for me? Taking this month off of Facebook. It takes up so much of my time, that I really need to get away from it, at least for a while. It always helps when I disconnect for a while, if even only from one of the facets.

The plan is to wake up tomorrow morning and have that be the first thing I see. The first thing I do. The plan is to first write out a prayer, then meditate on some scripture, and perhaps listen to some worship.

This isn't something I want to do tomorrow and tomorrow only. This is a change I hope to make long term. This is a habit I hope to establish. One that I can pass down to our little one. Maybe even spend some time with the little one reading, singing, laughing after our journey of life starts.

So here I am, about to head to bed. Getting as much rest as I can tonight. For it is already Friday, my how time has escaped me tonight. Will give updates and progress reports as time goes on. Hopefully this will re-ignite my creative gland when it comes to posting more frequently again.

Blessings on the start of June for you friends!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Limitlessly Detailed Oriented God

Some people might say that God doesn't care about the details...I say the opposite is true. God cares very much about the details, especially the minor details.

Look at these details He's been in the midst of:

Today, May 23, was going to be a pivotol day. If you've been around here for a while you probably remember the dream altering news we received. If you remember, today was the day we had the ultrasound set up to look at the ovaries to see exactly how severe my condition was. Not only that, but to see what the likelihood of our being able to naturally have the family we've always dreamed of having.

Until...this happened. Now today held our second pregnancy appointment. I was able to hear the heart beat. It was faint, but still strong.

Not only was I amazed when these two dates coincided (I may or may not have laughed hysterically when I saw the dat of this next appointment). But He timed it just right that my next post in Must Love God would sure enough fall guessed I'd love to have you join me over here.

How had God been working in the seemingly small details in your life?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I want one of those...

How many times a day do we think something like… “If only I could have ____________.”

Now, how many of those thoughts are beneficial or life-changing? Even still, how often are they thought to help change us into better, more balanced people?

Have you ever felt this way? I'm sure most of us have...

Join us for the rest of the conversation here...

[caption id="attachment_282" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Join me here today"]Must Love God[/caption]

My Red Sea Road

  For a few weeks now this feeling has come and gone. It goes as quickly as it arrives.  For several days, it felt as though we were staring...