Thursday, June 21, 2012

Limitless Growing {CMA}

Yesterday marked 16 weeks into this life long journey. I will have my next appointment and will be 4 weeks out from the all telling ultrasound. The information that I didn't want to initially know. The ultrasound to discover if we will have a son or a daughter come December. This also means we are 4 weeks away from the half-way point...seems unreal.

During these next several months I have a lot, I mean a lot, of growing to do in all areas: Physically-to better support the growing of our little one. Emotionally-attempting to learn not to give into the hormonal jumps that come along with pregnancy. Mentally-hopefully learning how to navigate this journey without totally losing a sense of self...or my mind (which some would say it was already too late for that one, haha). Spiritually-in these times of ups and downs I need to relearn why my constant walking with my God is so vital. 

My goals for the physical aspect of life still haven't changed a whole lot. I am still trying to eat the healthier choices. As I know that will be not only what's best for me in the long run, but also it is what helps ensure a strong, healthy little one. I still try to be active, but not to the same extent I was before. I'm doing more maintaining activeness then "lets lose this weight" that will come back after Christmas.

The goals for emotional/mental well being are both being aware of my mental/emotional/hormonal state in order to avoid melt downs and/or blow ups. As well as admitting when I had one and apologizing for snapping on any one (this may or may not have happened a few times already). Also to watch my patience level while at work. I've been finding myself more and more agitated, not completely sure why, at the continual, day-in-day-out monotony that my job can be some days.

Now for the spiritual. This has been the goal I've been most lacking in. I think in the first trimester I used exhaustion as an excuse...a lot. I have started several quiet time studies in the past couple months but haven't followed through with them. My hope/plan/goal is to start and finish a Women of Faith study on God's love. I figured the best place to find examples of exactly what unconditional love looks like is to study the One who showed the ultimate display of love...right?

 So there we have it. I am shooting to write up dates each week with the CMA posts over at Must Love God. Is there any area(s) of struggle in your life right now? The ones you've been dealing with on your own for a time, but just cannot seem to shake it? If so, please join us in the fight to getting healthy. That's what our Count Me Accountable Thursdays are all about.

How can I be of assistance to you in this journey?


  1. Amy, though posts like yours I am starting to feel like I'm finding my voice. So often I "become" the person I think others hope or expect me to be. Stepping out of this is something I am struggling with for the first time. And I know that working on this emotional need/habit is the first step toward better physical health for myself. Peace, love, and prayers to you and your growing family <3

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