Tuesday, October 2, 2012

{Day 2} From Worthless to Priceless

For most of us, we feel a sense of purpose at a young age. We just have a gut feeling that we know what we're supposed to do with our lives. We feel a sense of worth. When in all reality, if we don't have Christ, our lives and souls are worthless. The greatest call we have is to love God then love others out of that love.

We often are told that we are bought at a price. A high price. The price of Christ coming down to this broken world and living a perfect life only to give it up for us on the cross. Keep in mind, Christ didn't have to die for us. He knew that was his purpose.

Sometimes I ponder these questions: what if he would have chosen to go off the game plan and live it up while he was here? What if he would have gotten to the final stage and said "ya know what? I changed my mind. These people aren't worth it."

Then I stop to think, how thankful am I that he didn't. For I was bought at the highest price one could imagine. The life of God's child. His only son. And that fact (in and of itself) makes this life I live (and the one you live too) priceless.

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  1. Fantastic stuff. =) I, myself, did not have a sense of purpose AT ALL until I began following Christ. Then I finally began to see myself as someone made ON purpose, FOR a purpose. Nothing in the world compares to knowing God's purpose in making you, and then feeling Him move you toward real expression of that purpose.

  2. Thanks Jessica! I had no idea if this would end up making any coherent sense at all. I was a little brain dead after work last night, but STILL wanted to get a post up for day 2...a little too early to fall behind. Ha. I'm so glad He still used my absent/brain dead night to touch someone. :)

  3. [...] we’re done we find ourselves crying. Broken over this beautiful concept. That He CHOSE to go to the cross for us. Not just to rid us of our own selfish desires and cleanse us from our [...]


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