I want this next year to be different. While there are things that I want to change: things I do that I don't want to...or don't do that I want to, that I end up continuing to do; Making a huge deal out of it just because it's a new year, won't necessarily make anything magically happen.
The thing that will make it happen? Accountability. Support from friends. Encouragement. Self-control. Self-discipline. Commitment...commitment to myself, to others, to my Creator.
Over the next year, I will have goals to achieve. I will still be giving updates. I will still be linking up with my sisters weekly over at Must Love God. I will be actively looking for others to join with me in my goals because I know that everything happens more efficiently within a group who has shared interests.
My goals:
- To get back to healthy eating (i.e. back to Paleo)
- To get in better shape and lose the rest of the baby weight
- To become more consistent with my daily Bible study
- To keep a personal journal of the first year of mommy-hood
- To spend as much quality time with my husband and son as possible
- To keep a better/more consistent gratitude list
- To make time for this space of mine here; to connect with all of you more consistently
While these are general for the entire year, I plan to make more specific goals as needed to achieve these over all goals. Those will come in time.
I want to invite you to help me achieve these goals. Please feel free to check in with me over the course of the year. You can do so here, over at either of my Facebook pages, or over on twitter (@AmyMcCollister).
Now, as I promised at the end of my last post...pictures of our newest addition to our house.
Introducing: Andrew
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Pictures courtesy of my lovely sister...also known as Auntie B. You can find her heart here. Fair warning...she's a little more blunt than I tend to be. :)
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