Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's been a month

It's been a month. I can't tell you for sure if it's felt like more than a month. Or if it's felt like less than a month. Or perhaps it's felt like what it has been, a month. All I know for sure is this: I have been a mommy, my husband has been a daddy, we have had a son...all statements have been true for a month.


In the past month: we have encountered countless new learning curves. We have had to adjust our schedules for our little one. We have had to be intentional about connecting as a couple. We instantly made ourselves less in favor of someone else's needs.

This month. This little boy. This initial experience with parenthood. Has changed me. My priorities. My needs. The way I love. The way I show love. The way I hear love. All this change, helps me to better understand the greatest love I've ever known. This Love, I now understand on a more intimate level than I can explain.

As reality kicks back in tomorrow. As I go back to work. To serve my clients. To attempt teaching them. To love on them. It is these changes I hope to display. It's my prayer that these clients, who are judged everywhere they go, will experience the unconditional, non-judgemental, freeing love that I am blessed to experience everyday.

Then there's the change in routine. Rather than being at home. In a routine with my little one. I will be dropping him off with his Auntie B or leaving him home with his PaPa.

While I know beyond a shadow of a doubt he'll be taken care of, loved on,'s still going to hard. Extremely hard. You see, it's my dream to be able to be home with him. Full-time. I believe this is a yearning that will become a reality, one day. For now, I will sit waiting, trusting that one day, that dream will become a reality.

It may take days.
It may take weeks.
It may take months.
Or perhaps it'll take years.

But one day, I believe the way the past month has been, will become my reality again. I am confident of this for the simple fact that I have a God who makes dreams come true. After all, isn't this year all about trust for me?

One Word Trust

1 comment:

  1. […] up to it it too. In 2013 the central focus for the year was trust. With motherhood just beginning, trust was going to be essential for that first year. This year’s word came to me in the form of a […]


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