Thursday, November 28, 2013

The end...

...of our first holidays with our little man. I wouldn't have even thought of it. When I saw the title on a discussion thread on a forum I flow, it brought a twinge of sadness. Today, Thanksgiving 2013 is the last first holiday we have as a family of 3. It feels so weird to think of it that way. It puts a large period at the end of the year.

There is one more first to celebrate before years end. That is his first birthday. It's hard to believe year one of this journey is wrapping up. To think our little guy went from this:


To this


He's grown so much. We've grown so much. There's been a lot of change. A lot of going with our guts. Going against the grain. Striving to teach our son the best. Daily wondering if we're doing it well. Watching in amazement as he grows and learns and SHARES with us.

While I am sure, there is still a long list of firsts in our future, it's still hard.

With all this, I am ever reminded to live IN the moment. Take pictures at every chance (no matter what complaints come from the peanut gallery). To choose to enjoy each and every experience.

As much as this saddens me , it excites me to some extent. You see, the past month we have gotten bigger glimpses into his personality. He LOVES to share...everything...with everyone (pets included). He's very loving and friendly. Stubborn...that was a given though. Little guy is absolutely hilarious. Such a bundle of joy, daily.

That's what I need to focus on. I can't stop him from getting older. Getting bigger. Developing more skills. But I can enjoy them. Encourage him. Teach him.

1 comment:

  1. to get really quiet and listen for the voice of GOD and whatever he says DO IT


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