Friday, December 20, 2013

Busy Behind Me


That one word is often the most common adjective you'll hear me use when someone asks how things are.


That one word that I do not like to have to use to describe this time.


That is not the way I planned for 2013 to be.


That should not be the only word that comes to mind when I'm asked how things are.

I want life to be full not busy. Not just full to be full, but full -the way the gospel describes it.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10

It's time to look toward the One who can show me what this fullness looks like in and around me. Instead of trying to force things to happen, I will turn to the one who made everything and has a time set for the things we desire.

In 2014, I will look for the noble in the everyday mundane of life. I will look for the beauty in the ugly of life. I will look for the magnificent, that is the life I've been given.

This means that sometimes I will have to say no to something that would make my plate too full, no matter how much anticipation I had for it. It means allowing myself to say yes to down time, to alone time, to quiet time. It means using wisdom, prayer and patience to know the things He wants me to be involved in.

For 2014, my word will be magnificent. A challenge to remind myself to slow down and make each day count. To remind myself to breathe. To remind myself to take in the beauty around me.


  1. 1000 gifts.....a necessary read.

  2. 1000 Gifts..... All I gotta say....

  3. I have read it. Just gotta get better at implementing it. :)

  4. I think I'm up to 55..... I had to start somewhere


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