There were a lot of set backs leading up to that day. A few as we approached the hours before we said "I do" as well. Even so, we pressed forward. We'd come so far in the 3.5 years leading up to this, we weren't bound to stop now.
Here we are, 5 years later. Together for 8.5 years total. Still going through the trenches day in and day out. We've had to climb out of major valleys. We've also seen some very sweet peaks.
You have been my best friend through it all. One of few who knows absolutely ALL of my quarks, yet you stay by my side. We've laughed together. We've cried...or I've cried...together. We've fought. We've made up.
Arm in arm, we still press forward. Day in and day out. We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that so long as we remain united, keep our focus on our Creator, and keep pressing on, we will make it through anything we'll face.
Happy Anniversary Kevin. I look forward to all that is in store for us in the months, years, and decades to come.
Happy (a little belated) Anniversary!