If you've followed along here long enough, you've probably noticed that I am not one that could care less about days like this. The days that this world wants you to go broke just to show your appreciation for someone. When we participate in holidays because consumerism says we have to.
Maybe it's my phase of life, when there's not much cash flow to go around, you realize that it's not the gifts that matter. Honestly, if we're intentional about showing appreciation throughout the year, days like this become just another day. No pressure to get the perfect gift, show love in a special way, Ect.
That, however, isn't the only reason these greeting card holidays get under my skin. If I had to pin point the number one reason these days don't settle well with me, it's because of those who end up being left out of the celebration for one reason or another.
This conversation is one I've been having with at least two of my dearest friends. Two different situations but still the same aching.
We say the right phrases to try to include those women who long to be mom's, but we fail to realize... those words are often meaningless to the ladies who struggle with empty arms day in and day out.
So I challenge my fellow moms, to simply stand beside our sisters who desperately want to be a mommy, but aren't. Instead of trying to say the right thing, to let them know that we see their pain and we're here for them. Even if the words aren't there, we hear their cry, we feel their pain, we love them and will carry them when that pain makes that next step impossible.

To my mom friends, happy Mother's Day.
To the ladies reading this who are in that season of struggle, waiting and praying that desperate prayer, you are not alone. You are remembered. You are loved.
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