I shared a couple days ago about my one word for 2015. While mulling over exactly how rediscovering myself should look a couple things came to mind. The first was a song. A song I know I've shared here before. The lyrics of this song were once again brought to my attention on the 28th:
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Even though this song was written to help the artist with a very real struggle with bulimia, I believe that so many of us can relate to the struggle of just wanting to find ourselves outside of our circumstance. That's the beauty of music, the words can impact so many people in different ways.
Along with this song, there was something else that came into my mind. Scripture. One I'd become very much familiar with several years back. In fact, it's been the focus of several books I've read over the last several years. However, this time, it's come to life so much more.

These two tools, combined with the focus of rediscovering what self means to me, are sure to help. A few other steps I'm planning to take on this journey:
- Set a consistent time to wake up each morning
- enough time for breakfast and quiet time
- Discover a way to become more active and stick to it
- Write consistently. Either here or in a journal I received for Christmas
- Read books. All the way to the end.
- Take time monthly (more frequently if needed) and do something to refresh myself
- Crochet again
- Make girl time a must
Do you have any goals for this year? Any hopes and dreams that are beginning to take shape?
[…] word I was given this year was self. Walking into it I thought I knew what it meant. In my mind, it meant getting in shape, eating […]