After an extremely busy week a choice was made. Mainly for the sake of our introverted toddler. I could see the weariness from the go-go-go we'd had all week. If something didn't break the cycle, we'd soon have a melt down on our hands.
Being aware of this, I made the choice. We had to cancel the original plans for today. After church, we came home so he could rest. His entire being could rest.
Little did I know just how good today was going to be for me.
Sure I knew I was wearing down to, but I can handle myself better. That's just what I was going to do. That which I always do, grit down, bear it and continue pressing on.
Mid way through the afternoon I noticed something. Something I wouldn't have seen had we been on the go. Cuddled up with my husband, our handsome boy curled up by my feet, I felt complete.
For the first time in a long time, there was peace. No real longing for any specific thing. Not looking ahead to this next step or that one there. Just a sense of my soul saying it is well.
Not that we're at the end of our journey, not by a long shot, I hope. Just that for now, we are well. No matter what is or isn't happening in our life, we are living, breathing and growing. A reminder that together we draw strength to face whatever life throws at us.
Despite the uncertainty. The hopes and dreams have. Whether or not those happen. So long as we, together, cling to God, the one who so closely knit our hearts, we will not only survive, but we will thrive.
I haven't written much this year. I started the year with a challenge of treating everyday with the attitude of adventure. It's been a doozy of a year so far. From having dejavu hit like a ton of bricks with every step we've taken. To laying down dreams that seemed to be engraved on the heart.
Instead picking up the lens of blessings. Everyday, amazed at the little things that were missed. Missed spent longing for something to which we weren't entitled.
Living this life, reclaiming issues. Not for them to define, or even to direct the path. Claiming them in order to surrender them to the One who can bring ultimate healing from them. Both physically and emotionally.
However, rarely will those come before spiritual healing. Which is usually where we really need it.