Friday, July 29, 2011

5 Minute Friday: STILL

The challenge: To write, just write, no proofreading or correcting.
The purpose: To allow God to speak without us getting in the way.
The idea: Came from her
The topic: Still



Still, I am not decided on what I want to do with my life. I've been at my current job for almost 4 months now, while I love it, I still feel like there's something lacking. This, this is truly why I haven't gone back to school yet. After being so sure for so long that this was what I wanted to do some day, I am now beginning to wonder. I have half a dozen ideas on my mind of what I could go to school for, but none certain.

Still, I hope and pray that one day, we will be stable enough for kids. I know we may be young, but some days I feel the desire to have little ones a little bigger than I am able to bear. Maybe it's because many of my friends have kids of their own and part of me feels like we're falling behind.

Then there's the other question, why am I still comparing the steps I make in my life to those my friends make in theirs. We're different people, yet part of me feels entitled to be able to make the same steps they did.

It's still in His timing, I know this. That's the hardest thing for my head to wrap around. His timing. Then and now. Now and forever. Still His timing.


I know it's not long, but it's what came to mind. I hope you take the challenge and if/when you do, I would love to hear what you're 5 minutes comes out to be.

Have a blessed weekend all.


  1. it's so hard not to compare! blessings as you figure it out.

  2. Honest post ... lately God has revealed to us our "comparisons" to one another, the need to be still and prayer. I love that you combined them. He's got a theme going here...Lovely, thank you.

  3. Awesome! The comparison thing ... that's so tough. The Lord has been working in my heart about that, big-time. Saying a prayer for you!

  4. Thank you ladies for the encouragement.


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