I feel this haze around me. It's just hanging there. The events of the past couple weeks are hanging in this haze. My mind's on over load. There's been so much information thrown at me lately that my mind refuses to touch said events. Too much to try to comprehend right now. Honestly, I don't know if I'll ever completely comprehend what just happened.
The haze that I feel? It's an all too familiar haze. It's one I never wanted to feel again. For me, this haze means depression is lurking ever so closely. I haven't felt depressed in almost 6 years. It's not something I intend to fall back into. So friends, I ask, will you pray against this treacherous work of the enemy? I know it comes from him, and the last thing I want to do is succumb to Satan's schemes. I know, too, that I cannot overcome it without the help and support of my friends and family.
For I know that with God on my side, I will victor over this. It won't be easy, but it will happen. I have found for me that the number one way to overcome these feelings is to put it into the light. Depression kept in the darkness will only consume me. I cannot let that happen. I have too much positive to look forward to in my life. I am confident that through my prayers, and the prayers of those like you, this beast will leave sooner than later. After all, God is big enough to overcome.
I ask, join me in my prayer against Satan's schemes? Against his will for me to succumb to depression and focus only on the bad, and not look past it to see the beauty in everyday life? I would greatly appreciate it.
With all that has come and gone, it's time for rediscovery. This place is a step toward doing so. Time to rediscover the Lover of my soul. Rediscover the draw writing has always had on my heart. Rediscover who I am and have been made to be despite anything life throws my way. In this place we will do real, we will do fresh, we will do life-real life-together.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hiatus & Prayer
So, if you noticed, I did not participate in the 5 minute Friday post as I have been. Yesterday was a bit busy for me. I helped a friend get her mind off of a tough situation going on right now, and she, in turn, helped me clear my mind of some events that made the week rather stressful. After that, I went to train at another group home for a few hours. By the time I got home, I was SO tired.
The topic was Older, when I got home around 9pm I logged onto my computer, logged my time for work, then flipped to see what the topic was. I got as far as the title, then felt my brain just give up for the night. By give up, I mean the only thing I was up for doing was watching a movie right before falling asleep. I'll be back in full gear next week. I'll definitely have a Thirsty Thursday post and I will be back for 5 Minute Friday next week. Bear with me. :)
For the prayer request: My family got some very bad news last week. I'd appreciate that you would pray for all of us as we go through this. Pray that we will have the strength and courage to forgive and the words to say to encourage each other.
Thanks for all your support over the past couple months. :)
The topic was Older, when I got home around 9pm I logged onto my computer, logged my time for work, then flipped to see what the topic was. I got as far as the title, then felt my brain just give up for the night. By give up, I mean the only thing I was up for doing was watching a movie right before falling asleep. I'll be back in full gear next week. I'll definitely have a Thirsty Thursday post and I will be back for 5 Minute Friday next week. Bear with me. :)
For the prayer request: My family got some very bad news last week. I'd appreciate that you would pray for all of us as we go through this. Pray that we will have the strength and courage to forgive and the words to say to encourage each other.
Thanks for all your support over the past couple months. :)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Thirsty Thursday -- week 2
Last week I talked about Adam and Eve's thirst for what they couldn't have, if you missed it, catch up with us here. This week I'm going to be talking about their sons.
"...on Cain and his offering He [God] did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry and his face was downcast." Genesis 4:5
Nothing drives someone more than jealousy. Whether it's the good 'ole and all too familiar sibling rivalry, or something else. In almost every family you'll find some kind of jealousy: child-child, parent-parent, child-parent, or even parent-child. Whether it's the out-going, active, sports enthusiast child against the intellectual, band geek, or if it's the slacker against the suck up. If you're in a family chances are that you've experienced such rivalry.
What exactly drives one to feel the need to compete with others? Is it our own selfish desire for attention? Or what about the thirst for attention? Or could it be both? I think so.
If you've ever read the story of Cain and Able, you've heard the first-ever recorded instant in which sibling rivalry took place. You've read about the first time jealousy overwhelmed someone to the point of hurting another person. If you haven't read it, I'd encourage you to do so, you can read it here. After reading this passage, think about it, what would you had done if you would have been in Cain's shoes?
Cain takes his fleshly thirst for favor and acceptance into his own hands. I can see him thinking, or perhaps even saying, "I'l show that goody-too-shoes brother of mine what happens when you cross your brother like that..." Jealousy so deep that it leads to anger. Anger so great that it leads to rage. Rage that became so overwhelming that he gave into his urge to "take care" of his problem.
But why? Why doesn't Cain just use this as a chance to get better? To put his entire heart into it next time? Why doesn't Cain just walk away and give himself time to cool off? It doesn't seem like it would be so hard. My guess is that this was a reqeated scenerio. That this situation was the one that pushed Cain over the edge.
So, do you have a relationship that brings about a jealousy or rivalry that leads you to war with that person? Boy, I have. Not only do I have just one sibling, I have four. Three of which are sisters. My ENTIRE life has been spent comparing my actions/possessions/accomplishments against theirs. If it wasn't comparing our lives it was warring over which was better, who was the better child, who deserved this or that more.
How about with your brothers and sisters in Christ? Have you ever found yourself competing, fighting, and begging for God's favor over someone you feel is a threat in your spiritual life? If I'm guilty of this offense too.
So What can we do? How can we keep ourselves from repeating Cain's mistake of allowing his thirst of favor to prevent us from allowing our jealousy to over come us in the way his did? How can we decide to allow these differences to shape us rather than drive us?
My idea would be to begin my praying and thanking God for that challenging relationship. Thank Him for our differences and ask Him to help us see what we can learn from them, rather than trying to one up their actions. Secondly, instead of looking for ways that we don't measure up to others, why not look for our own God-given strengths and gifts and start to use them? Lastly, find a friend to confide in, or even a journal and the days you're feeling like you're slipping down the slippery slope, write, write your heart out and write out a prayer about it too. You'd be amazed at how much this helps.
I know, I know. Some of you may be thinking, "but Amy, I wouldn't ever dream of killing so and so..." This may be true but don't forget in Matthew we are told that if we pass judgement, or ridicule on one of our siblings, biological or spiritual, then we are just as guilty as Cain.
So this week, rather than doing things to earn favor or one up those around us in efforts to earn God's attention and approval, why don't we try to love those siblings that it's oh so easy to despise. Why do this? The better question is probably why not do this? If we do this we are extending the same love and grace the God extends to us everyday. Then, maybe our little piece of the world will be just a little sweeter.
Blessings, love and grace over this next week!
"...on Cain and his offering He [God] did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry and his face was downcast." Genesis 4:5
Nothing drives someone more than jealousy. Whether it's the good 'ole and all too familiar sibling rivalry, or something else. In almost every family you'll find some kind of jealousy: child-child, parent-parent, child-parent, or even parent-child. Whether it's the out-going, active, sports enthusiast child against the intellectual, band geek, or if it's the slacker against the suck up. If you're in a family chances are that you've experienced such rivalry.
What exactly drives one to feel the need to compete with others? Is it our own selfish desire for attention? Or what about the thirst for attention? Or could it be both? I think so.
If you've ever read the story of Cain and Able, you've heard the first-ever recorded instant in which sibling rivalry took place. You've read about the first time jealousy overwhelmed someone to the point of hurting another person. If you haven't read it, I'd encourage you to do so, you can read it here. After reading this passage, think about it, what would you had done if you would have been in Cain's shoes?
Cain takes his fleshly thirst for favor and acceptance into his own hands. I can see him thinking, or perhaps even saying, "I'l show that goody-too-shoes brother of mine what happens when you cross your brother like that..." Jealousy so deep that it leads to anger. Anger so great that it leads to rage. Rage that became so overwhelming that he gave into his urge to "take care" of his problem.
But why? Why doesn't Cain just use this as a chance to get better? To put his entire heart into it next time? Why doesn't Cain just walk away and give himself time to cool off? It doesn't seem like it would be so hard. My guess is that this was a reqeated scenerio. That this situation was the one that pushed Cain over the edge.
So, do you have a relationship that brings about a jealousy or rivalry that leads you to war with that person? Boy, I have. Not only do I have just one sibling, I have four. Three of which are sisters. My ENTIRE life has been spent comparing my actions/possessions/accomplishments against theirs. If it wasn't comparing our lives it was warring over which was better, who was the better child, who deserved this or that more.
How about with your brothers and sisters in Christ? Have you ever found yourself competing, fighting, and begging for God's favor over someone you feel is a threat in your spiritual life? If I'm guilty of this offense too.
So What can we do? How can we keep ourselves from repeating Cain's mistake of allowing his thirst of favor to prevent us from allowing our jealousy to over come us in the way his did? How can we decide to allow these differences to shape us rather than drive us?
My idea would be to begin my praying and thanking God for that challenging relationship. Thank Him for our differences and ask Him to help us see what we can learn from them, rather than trying to one up their actions. Secondly, instead of looking for ways that we don't measure up to others, why not look for our own God-given strengths and gifts and start to use them? Lastly, find a friend to confide in, or even a journal and the days you're feeling like you're slipping down the slippery slope, write, write your heart out and write out a prayer about it too. You'd be amazed at how much this helps.
I know, I know. Some of you may be thinking, "but Amy, I wouldn't ever dream of killing so and so..." This may be true but don't forget in Matthew we are told that if we pass judgement, or ridicule on one of our siblings, biological or spiritual, then we are just as guilty as Cain.
So this week, rather than doing things to earn favor or one up those around us in efforts to earn God's attention and approval, why don't we try to love those siblings that it's oh so easy to despise. Why do this? The better question is probably why not do this? If we do this we are extending the same love and grace the God extends to us everyday. Then, maybe our little piece of the world will be just a little sweeter.
Blessings, love and grace over this next week!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Today, I sat talking to the precious little one that I have had the privilege of watching for the past 2 school years. While it wasn't intended for me to be there today, I'm glad events lead me to be. While we were talking, daddy was mentioned, at the mention of him, he started to cry. Not a tantrum, but deep, sincere, heartfelt tears simply because he missed his daddy.
As I held him in my lap, I am reminded of the sweet little eighteen month old that he was when I first started. Even then, we had these days when he would be upset because mommy and daddy had to work. As I held him, it's hard for me to believe that he's now three and a half. Now, unlike when he was a year and a half, we can discuss why daddy was at work. After calming him down, he went and started to play. As I watched him, I couldn't help but be reminded of the call on us believers. Those of us who believe in Christ as savior of the world are supposed to be like this three year old.
When was the last time we felt alone due to the fact that we felt the void of not having our Daddy as close as he once was? How many of us, when we feel the absence of our Father respond with the sadness that we should? Sadness, not because He left our side, but because we fell out of step with His plans for us. Sure, maybe it was accidental. Perhaps though, for some, it was intentional.
Busyness and distractions are probably the two biggest things Satan uses against those of us who profess a love for God and His son. Satan uses, and succeeds at using them, far too often. I don't know what sort of things the enemy uses to draw you away. However, I do know that he LOVES to use my work, he definitely uses my habitual laziness, and often, he uses my willingness to help those around me.
That's right, for me, Satan uses a God-given trait to draw me away from God. I am a (recovering) people pleaser and an over-committer. I have seen and felt how Satan can use BOTH of these in tandem to draw me away from seeking a deep, intimate relationship with God. After all, if he can keep us busy by disguising it as service to God, he knows we'll concentrate on serving Him rather than searching Him.
If you're like me and have a hard time saying no, especially to things that are essentially and naturally good/godly things, I would encourage you to seek Him and ensure He's really calling you to it. I would also warn you to not over-commit yourself and get so busy that you lose track of your walk and even yourself in the midst of all that's going on. Also, if you feel yourself starting to get burnt out because of all you're doing, I'd encourage you that it's okay to take a step back for a while and refresh yourself before going back to it again, and maybe when you go back trim down the amount of things you are involved in, in hopes to avoid burn out.
Now, backing away may not be as easy as it sounds. Especially when you have been involved for a while and have grown fond of the people that surround you. Trust me though, sometimes we need to step back for a little while. I have had to do this in the the not too distant past. It may and probably will be hard at first, but over time, if it's something He's called you away from, it will become the most freeing thing you have ever experienced.
For those who have intentionally walked away from God, I don't know your story, or why you have chosen the path you go down. I do know, however, that the God you once followed still loves and cares for you deeper than you can imagine. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that He is waiting for you to turn around and acknowledge Him. The longer you keep your back to Him the more His heart breaks for you. Like I said, I don't know what lead you to walk away, but I can guarantee that if you do turn back to Him, your life will be blessed and the rewards will be well worth the trials that come along with following God.
Now, if you're reading this and don't know God, or you do and don't have or don't understand what it means to be a follower of Him, join the club. None of us who follow Him have it all together. Most of us would like you to think we do, but if we're honest, we're as broken (if not more so) than anyone else. If you would like to know more about this relationship I have with Him, do me a favor, either drop me a comment or an e-mail (godsbeloved110@yahoo.com) with any comments/concerns/questions you have for me. I promise you, I will do my best to answer the questions. If I don't have the answers right now, I promise you, that I will find them for you.
So, will you (no matter what stage you are in) join me in becoming like the precious three year old? Are you willing to cry for your Daddy when you don't see/feel Him near? If not, my friend, will you share what may be holding you back, so that I might pray with you in your time of need?
A Humbled Servant
As I held him in my lap, I am reminded of the sweet little eighteen month old that he was when I first started. Even then, we had these days when he would be upset because mommy and daddy had to work. As I held him, it's hard for me to believe that he's now three and a half. Now, unlike when he was a year and a half, we can discuss why daddy was at work. After calming him down, he went and started to play. As I watched him, I couldn't help but be reminded of the call on us believers. Those of us who believe in Christ as savior of the world are supposed to be like this three year old.
When was the last time we felt alone due to the fact that we felt the void of not having our Daddy as close as he once was? How many of us, when we feel the absence of our Father respond with the sadness that we should? Sadness, not because He left our side, but because we fell out of step with His plans for us. Sure, maybe it was accidental. Perhaps though, for some, it was intentional.
Busyness and distractions are probably the two biggest things Satan uses against those of us who profess a love for God and His son. Satan uses, and succeeds at using them, far too often. I don't know what sort of things the enemy uses to draw you away. However, I do know that he LOVES to use my work, he definitely uses my habitual laziness, and often, he uses my willingness to help those around me.
That's right, for me, Satan uses a God-given trait to draw me away from God. I am a (recovering) people pleaser and an over-committer. I have seen and felt how Satan can use BOTH of these in tandem to draw me away from seeking a deep, intimate relationship with God. After all, if he can keep us busy by disguising it as service to God, he knows we'll concentrate on serving Him rather than searching Him.
If you're like me and have a hard time saying no, especially to things that are essentially and naturally good/godly things, I would encourage you to seek Him and ensure He's really calling you to it. I would also warn you to not over-commit yourself and get so busy that you lose track of your walk and even yourself in the midst of all that's going on. Also, if you feel yourself starting to get burnt out because of all you're doing, I'd encourage you that it's okay to take a step back for a while and refresh yourself before going back to it again, and maybe when you go back trim down the amount of things you are involved in, in hopes to avoid burn out.
Now, backing away may not be as easy as it sounds. Especially when you have been involved for a while and have grown fond of the people that surround you. Trust me though, sometimes we need to step back for a little while. I have had to do this in the the not too distant past. It may and probably will be hard at first, but over time, if it's something He's called you away from, it will become the most freeing thing you have ever experienced.
For those who have intentionally walked away from God, I don't know your story, or why you have chosen the path you go down. I do know, however, that the God you once followed still loves and cares for you deeper than you can imagine. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that He is waiting for you to turn around and acknowledge Him. The longer you keep your back to Him the more His heart breaks for you. Like I said, I don't know what lead you to walk away, but I can guarantee that if you do turn back to Him, your life will be blessed and the rewards will be well worth the trials that come along with following God.
Now, if you're reading this and don't know God, or you do and don't have or don't understand what it means to be a follower of Him, join the club. None of us who follow Him have it all together. Most of us would like you to think we do, but if we're honest, we're as broken (if not more so) than anyone else. If you would like to know more about this relationship I have with Him, do me a favor, either drop me a comment or an e-mail (godsbeloved110@yahoo.com) with any comments/concerns/questions you have for me. I promise you, I will do my best to answer the questions. If I don't have the answers right now, I promise you, that I will find them for you.
So, will you (no matter what stage you are in) join me in becoming like the precious three year old? Are you willing to cry for your Daddy when you don't see/feel Him near? If not, my friend, will you share what may be holding you back, so that I might pray with you in your time of need?
A Humbled Servant
Monday, August 22, 2011
Starting the List
On several of the sites that I follow they do lists of the things they're thankful for on Mondays. It's a challenge from here and it's one that I have decided to accept. So most Mondays, at the end of my posts, you'll see lists numbers (picking up where I left off) followed by what I'm thankful for.

- A God who loves me no matter what
- This day
- Freedom to live out my belief
- Freedom from who I used to be
- A job
- not just a job but one I thoroughly enjoy
- My husband
- My Dad
- My Mom
- A best friend in my younger sister
- My Accountability partner
- My Mentor
- My amazing church family
- A roof over my head
- A car that runs
- Food in the fridge
- A soft, comfy bed
- Nice, durable couch and chair
- The Blogs that challenge me
- Fellow writers who encourage me
- The chance to write my heart
There will be more to come in the future this is just my basic start. I look forward to sharing more of what my heart is thankful for and hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do.
Blessings on your week all!
Friday, August 19, 2011
To My Core
Have you ever had someone say something to you that for one reason or another just rubbed you the wrong way? I have a lot. Some hit harder than others. Some, depending on the source, touches a place with in that you thought was closed off forever -- not necessarily in a good way. Then there are the ones that just roll off your back and we never think of it again.
Well, recently, I had a comment from someone I don't even know hit me hard, and I mean extremely hard. Practically crushed me. Although, I'm fairly certain that it wasn't meant to cause harm, but it stung all the same. After laying my heart out, admitting to probably the biggest struggle I have, the comment tore to the deepest of my core.
For those who don't know me, you're probably wondering where I'm coming from, unless you've ready any of my previous blogs. For those who do know me, you can probably guess where this is coming from. Just so we're all on the same page, this blog is coming out of my constant, ever-going, never-ceasing, always-daunting struggle with a little (HA!) thing called insecurity.
It's strange how one comment that ends up discouraging someone can stand out and being to tear you down. Even if the ration is one negative comment to a dozen positive ones. This happens to people who struggle as I do.
I can say that after doing some immense work with God and the support of a mentor, there have been strides made in gaining control over the beast. Even with all the work that the 3 of us have worked on, insecurity is STILL a daily and consistent battle.
I am choosing to forgive the offender, because, after all, they may not have even meant it that way. I am choosing to release the hold that the comment had over me all afternoon.
Now, back to the struggle. I've recently learned some of the tips to overcome the stumbling blocks that may be placed in my way. By the generous portion of grace that my loving Creator gives, day by day, hour by hour, and minute by minute, I am gradually gaining control over my falls to insecurity.
Since God gave the security to me, I am going to do my best not to give it away, to anyone. How? By depending on the strength I know my Almighty Daddy will give me. No matter how hard it will be at times, I will look to God for my self-esteem.
For some, saying that if I think I am __________ then I will be __________, works for them. For others like me, it takes more work then simply thinking it.
It takes a process of turning the head knowledge that we generally have into a heart knowledge. That process (for me) includes massive amounts of prayer, continual accountability, constant reminders (both scriptural and personally), and a ton of prayer from those around me.
For some issues, they clear up in a matter of days, hours or even (rarely) minutes. For most, it takes weeks, or months. Then for a few (like my insecurity problems) it can take years or even a lifetime.
My prayer is for support, not judgement. I hope for love not pity. Most of all, I look to glorify God and gain nothing else for me.
Well, here it is, my heart sprawled out.
Peace Friends!
Well, recently, I had a comment from someone I don't even know hit me hard, and I mean extremely hard. Practically crushed me. Although, I'm fairly certain that it wasn't meant to cause harm, but it stung all the same. After laying my heart out, admitting to probably the biggest struggle I have, the comment tore to the deepest of my core.
For those who don't know me, you're probably wondering where I'm coming from, unless you've ready any of my previous blogs. For those who do know me, you can probably guess where this is coming from. Just so we're all on the same page, this blog is coming out of my constant, ever-going, never-ceasing, always-daunting struggle with a little (HA!) thing called insecurity.
It's strange how one comment that ends up discouraging someone can stand out and being to tear you down. Even if the ration is one negative comment to a dozen positive ones. This happens to people who struggle as I do.
I can say that after doing some immense work with God and the support of a mentor, there have been strides made in gaining control over the beast. Even with all the work that the 3 of us have worked on, insecurity is STILL a daily and consistent battle.
I am choosing to forgive the offender, because, after all, they may not have even meant it that way. I am choosing to release the hold that the comment had over me all afternoon.
Now, back to the struggle. I've recently learned some of the tips to overcome the stumbling blocks that may be placed in my way. By the generous portion of grace that my loving Creator gives, day by day, hour by hour, and minute by minute, I am gradually gaining control over my falls to insecurity.
Since God gave the security to me, I am going to do my best not to give it away, to anyone. How? By depending on the strength I know my Almighty Daddy will give me. No matter how hard it will be at times, I will look to God for my self-esteem.
For some, saying that if I think I am __________ then I will be __________, works for them. For others like me, it takes more work then simply thinking it.
It takes a process of turning the head knowledge that we generally have into a heart knowledge. That process (for me) includes massive amounts of prayer, continual accountability, constant reminders (both scriptural and personally), and a ton of prayer from those around me.
For some issues, they clear up in a matter of days, hours or even (rarely) minutes. For most, it takes weeks, or months. Then for a few (like my insecurity problems) it can take years or even a lifetime.
My prayer is for support, not judgement. I hope for love not pity. Most of all, I look to glorify God and gain nothing else for me.
Well, here it is, my heart sprawled out.
Peace Friends!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Thirsty Thursday -- Week 1
This is the start of the new series. I'll be going through the Bible looking for passages that either discuss directly the concept of being thirsty for God, or stories that display what happens when we try to quench said thirst apart from seeking God. Hope you enjoy.
Genesis 2:25 ~ The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
Can you picture it? Living in a place where nakedness was bliss. Being in a place where everyone was comfortable in their own skin? To live life confident that you were made perfect? A place where there was no pressure to look a certain way? The only job we (humans) had was to live life in complete, constant, communion with God himself?
Yeah, I can't imagine it either.
This, however, is the exact way we were created to be. This is the place our souls long to get to? What messed up the original design for us? I'll give you one guess...
You've got it! Sin entered the world. Through one choice everything was changed. The utopia that we were created to live in was destroyed. And over what?! A piece of fruit?!? Some might think... When in reality it was due to our humanly thirst for knowledge. But this wasn't just any knowledge we were after. This was the knowledge to decipher good from evil. A knowledge that only God had at the time. That's right our own selfish thirst to, not just be like God, but to be our own god. The thought of being our own god, deciding what's right and what's wrong for ourselves was the culprit.
The next chapter reveals this thirst. Genesis 3:6-7 ~ When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
How long do you think it took for us to give in? A month? A week? A day? An hour? That much, we can't be sure of. All we can determine is that it probably wasn't too long.
So, why? Why did we fall? Was it because the serpent's argument was so strong? Perhaps. What about or own hunger and thirst for more? Absolutely! Could it have been because we felt we didn't have enough? Possible. Along with the thirst for more, it probably also had something to do with our thirst and desire for always wanting what we can't have.
I know that's a big one for me. The more I hear that I can't have this, or I can't have that, the more I want it. Most times I want the "untouchable" thing so badly that I can literally taste it. (That's a powerful imagination for you)
How about this week, rather than allowing our thirst for knowledge and our thirst for having what is set aside as only God's drive us to wanting to be equal with God, why not allow it to fuel us to get to know Him better. Allow it to be used to shape us to be who we were created to be. That may be easier than chasing after wisdom to put ourselves on a pedastool next to him -- or even (in our minds) above Him.
Papa God,
You are the only one who knows EVERYTHING. You know everything above, below, and on the earth. Nothing takes you by surprise. Forgive me for those times when I seek knowledge to become my own god. Help me to remember, always, to seek You first. After all, you are the Giver of knowledge. I pray that my own fleshly desires for knowledge will lead me to the foot of your throne rather than trying to build one of my own. Amen
Friday, August 12, 2011
5 minute Friday: BEAUTY
The Gypsy Mama is where this stems from. Since you all know the drill I'm going to get started.
Honestly, for me beauty has so many different meanings. There are many types of beauty in the world to day. While most think of physical beauty, I firmly believe it's so much more.
Honestly, beauty isn't in the list of words I would use to describe myself. My husband and I go round and round about this. The only reason I can see beauty in me is because of the work God is doing.
Beauty at it's best is when we line ourselves with what God has made us to be. When we seek what beauty is to Him, we begin to put into perspective what it really is. Beauty isn't something that can be bought, as some might think. The most beautiful people I have known have been those who don't try to be the person everyone else wants them to be.
This is the place I am working SO hard to get to. I have always been a people pleaser. While this may have made my personality beautiful to them, it made my inner being ugly. Only recently have I stopped putting so much emphasis on what others want and putting more emphasis on what God wants from me.
In this I have been finding that the person He created me to be is more beautiful than I could have imagined. As I search Him, the term beauty is showing up more and more in my own thoughts of myself.
Will you join me in searching this week for the beautiful things He has created? And see yourself as beautiful because of your maker, not because of what others say?
Honestly, for me beauty has so many different meanings. There are many types of beauty in the world to day. While most think of physical beauty, I firmly believe it's so much more.
Honestly, beauty isn't in the list of words I would use to describe myself. My husband and I go round and round about this. The only reason I can see beauty in me is because of the work God is doing.
Beauty at it's best is when we line ourselves with what God has made us to be. When we seek what beauty is to Him, we begin to put into perspective what it really is. Beauty isn't something that can be bought, as some might think. The most beautiful people I have known have been those who don't try to be the person everyone else wants them to be.
This is the place I am working SO hard to get to. I have always been a people pleaser. While this may have made my personality beautiful to them, it made my inner being ugly. Only recently have I stopped putting so much emphasis on what others want and putting more emphasis on what God wants from me.
In this I have been finding that the person He created me to be is more beautiful than I could have imagined. As I search Him, the term beauty is showing up more and more in my own thoughts of myself.
Will you join me in searching this week for the beautiful things He has created? And see yourself as beautiful because of your maker, not because of what others say?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
My New Thing
Okay, so you guys have probably noticed that I have started a new wring rhythm, a good 2-4 posts a week. A couple weeks ago, I took a challenge that was given to me by a fellow blogger. That challenge is called 5-minute Friday. It has been amazing to see the topic that is chosen and the different takes that God has placed in each and every one of us writing about it.
I have been thinking for a while that I wanted to personally choose a day of the week and leave that day for a similarly themed blog. I thought about each day of the week and only one kept coming back to mind. That's when I heard it, a familiar-secular-well known phrase. I tossed it in my head over and over before giving it too much more thought as to what it would look like. This was about two weeks ago.
The more I thought about what I wanted to do. The more the term "Thirsty Thursday" came through my head. After second guessing if that's what I really wanted to do, I decided to pray about it. (Yes, honestly prayer wasn't an initial reaction like I SO want it to be). The more I prayed the more I felt God pressing me to do so. Evidently there is something I need to learn in this area.
So here's what it's going to look like for me, starting next Thursday, August 18. I am going to be taking a look at the scriptures that refer to God, Jesus, and/or the Holy Spirit as the only thing to quench my thirst. I hope you'll join me in this journey, however long it may be. For now I will leave you with this song, as I will be using it as our theme song throughout this journey. We'll search into the stories Kathleen talks about in the weeks and months to come as well.
Praying that we all will be blessed in the end with these discoveries that He is the Living Water and that He can quench our eternal thirsts, which in turn, could very well take care of our physical thirst as well.
Blessings friends
I have been thinking for a while that I wanted to personally choose a day of the week and leave that day for a similarly themed blog. I thought about each day of the week and only one kept coming back to mind. That's when I heard it, a familiar-secular-well known phrase. I tossed it in my head over and over before giving it too much more thought as to what it would look like. This was about two weeks ago.
The more I thought about what I wanted to do. The more the term "Thirsty Thursday" came through my head. After second guessing if that's what I really wanted to do, I decided to pray about it. (Yes, honestly prayer wasn't an initial reaction like I SO want it to be). The more I prayed the more I felt God pressing me to do so. Evidently there is something I need to learn in this area.
So here's what it's going to look like for me, starting next Thursday, August 18. I am going to be taking a look at the scriptures that refer to God, Jesus, and/or the Holy Spirit as the only thing to quench my thirst. I hope you'll join me in this journey, however long it may be. For now I will leave you with this song, as I will be using it as our theme song throughout this journey. We'll search into the stories Kathleen talks about in the weeks and months to come as well.
Praying that we all will be blessed in the end with these discoveries that He is the Living Water and that He can quench our eternal thirsts, which in turn, could very well take care of our physical thirst as well.
Blessings friends
Monday, August 8, 2011
New Week
It's Monday. Most people HATE Mondays. For me, however, the are a welcomed break. After a busy weekend at work, I look forward to the break. Mondays are the start of a new week for me. Mondays are the start of my weekend.
With the week looming ahead of me, I look forward to all that is to come. Today is a day for me. A day to get caught up on my devotions. A day to bless friends that might have slipped through the cracks over the weekend. Today is my day to, probably most importantly, relax and recoup from the weekend.
With the next three days full, relaxation today is exactly what will be needed. However, the next three days aren't full in the same ways last week were. I get the joy of seeing the little one I watched the past 2 school years for a couple days. I am so excited to see him.
The idea of not going back next school year to work with him, still hurts some days. That's a thought I hadn't given until just now. Him and his family have been SO supportive over the past several years. They've seen me at my best, but more often, they saw me at my worst--many times and still allowed me to work for them. To see them again will definitely be the highlight of my week.
Wednesday marks the start of week 2 of Kevin and my journey to become financially free from the strain of debt. We are so blessed to have a church family to walk along side us in this process. More importantly, we have our 2 best friends going through the class with us, which will help us stay accountable to the path we've started.
Friday is the next day for me, this time instead of unwinding from the busy weekend, it'll be a day to relax and prepare for the work weekend ahead of me. Friday will probably be laundry day. Which means an afternoon at mom's.
Throughout this week, it is my goal to make it to the gym AT least 3 times. I have a goal to meet by next fall, which means it's time to start now. My goal is one pound a week. So far I've made it to the gym this morning. Time to kick my behind to keep up the motivation.
Quiet time is definitely at the top of the list. Whether it means going out to a park and reading, or shutting myself up in our room, or going to a coffee shop, it needs to happen, it's going to happen. Feel free to keep me to this too...AND to the goal above as well. :)
Time for me to get off of here for a while. Gotta do a couple errands and get to the quiet time. Have a blessed week friends. I will be checking in soon.
With the week looming ahead of me, I look forward to all that is to come. Today is a day for me. A day to get caught up on my devotions. A day to bless friends that might have slipped through the cracks over the weekend. Today is my day to, probably most importantly, relax and recoup from the weekend.
With the next three days full, relaxation today is exactly what will be needed. However, the next three days aren't full in the same ways last week were. I get the joy of seeing the little one I watched the past 2 school years for a couple days. I am so excited to see him.
The idea of not going back next school year to work with him, still hurts some days. That's a thought I hadn't given until just now. Him and his family have been SO supportive over the past several years. They've seen me at my best, but more often, they saw me at my worst--many times and still allowed me to work for them. To see them again will definitely be the highlight of my week.
Wednesday marks the start of week 2 of Kevin and my journey to become financially free from the strain of debt. We are so blessed to have a church family to walk along side us in this process. More importantly, we have our 2 best friends going through the class with us, which will help us stay accountable to the path we've started.
Friday is the next day for me, this time instead of unwinding from the busy weekend, it'll be a day to relax and prepare for the work weekend ahead of me. Friday will probably be laundry day. Which means an afternoon at mom's.
Throughout this week, it is my goal to make it to the gym AT least 3 times. I have a goal to meet by next fall, which means it's time to start now. My goal is one pound a week. So far I've made it to the gym this morning. Time to kick my behind to keep up the motivation.
Quiet time is definitely at the top of the list. Whether it means going out to a park and reading, or shutting myself up in our room, or going to a coffee shop, it needs to happen, it's going to happen. Feel free to keep me to this too...AND to the goal above as well. :)
Time for me to get off of here for a while. Gotta do a couple errands and get to the quiet time. Have a blessed week friends. I will be checking in soon.
Friday, August 5, 2011
5 Minute Friday: "Whole"
It's time again for another 5-minute Friday. This week the topic is whole. I got the idea from Gypsymama.
The rules: Write non-stop for 5 minutes on the given prompt. Don't edit. Just let the words come.
Are you ready?
When I think of the word whole, I think of something in it's entirety. If you saw my most recent post it was on doing things wholeheartedly.
God's amazing isn't He? There must be more that I need to write on this subject. So here it goes.
Being whole is to be complete. When some think of being whole, they think of finding their spouse. Finding their "other half". Why does it take another earthly person for us to consider ourselves to be whole? Why can't we look to the Creator of everything earthly to make us whole?
That's His plan. To find our wholeness, our passion, our purpose in Him and no one else. To be whole in Him, is to be confident in who He made us to be as well. To be whole in Christ means to take each uncertain step in faith that He will not let us fall. To be whole in Him means to love with reckless ambition. To love no matter what the cost.
To be whole in God, most importantly is to be completely selfless. To sacrifice ourselves for His purpose.
Wholeness is something we all struggle with, myself included. Join me in the fight to find my wholeness in my Creator, will you?
Now it's your turn. Either write one on your blog or use the comment space below to write your 5 minutes worth of thoughts on the word "whole".
The rules: Write non-stop for 5 minutes on the given prompt. Don't edit. Just let the words come.
Are you ready?
When I think of the word whole, I think of something in it's entirety. If you saw my most recent post it was on doing things wholeheartedly.
God's amazing isn't He? There must be more that I need to write on this subject. So here it goes.
Being whole is to be complete. When some think of being whole, they think of finding their spouse. Finding their "other half". Why does it take another earthly person for us to consider ourselves to be whole? Why can't we look to the Creator of everything earthly to make us whole?
That's His plan. To find our wholeness, our passion, our purpose in Him and no one else. To be whole in Him, is to be confident in who He made us to be as well. To be whole in Christ means to take each uncertain step in faith that He will not let us fall. To be whole in Him means to love with reckless ambition. To love no matter what the cost.
To be whole in God, most importantly is to be completely selfless. To sacrifice ourselves for His purpose.
Wholeness is something we all struggle with, myself included. Join me in the fight to find my wholeness in my Creator, will you?
Now it's your turn. Either write one on your blog or use the comment space below to write your 5 minutes worth of thoughts on the word "whole".
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
To be characterized by complete sincerity and commitment. To live with wholehearted devotion. To allow our yes be yes and our no be no. To free ourselves.
The more and more I read in the bible with one of my closest, most special friends, I can't help but notice how often we, as Christ seekers, are called to live with wholehearted ambition. Each and every time I read either "wholehearted" or "with all your heart" or even "with your whole heart" I cannot help but wonder, "how often do I seek Him, His will, His way, and His favor with my ENTIRE being?
If I'm honest:
it's not very often that this sort of searching for my Creator happens.
in the rough times, wholehearted seeking gets shoved to the back of my mind
in the good times, wholehearted seeking only passes through my mind on occasion
on the so-so days, this seeking gets drowned out in my to-do list of life.
Accountability helps me, a ton. Although, accountability only works if BOTH parties are willing to put their all into it. One sided accountability hurts both people. Accountability in which neither party are willing to be completely, wholly honest with each other, turns into just two friends hanging out.
Wholehearted devotion isn't only for our spiritual walk, but it is a very real, a very common necessity for our earthly life. If we go around without commitment to our faith, decisions, promises, way of life, or even our own passions, the life we live will often feel meaningless, pointless, and unfulfilled.
Devotion to our faith helps keep us committed to our decisions. So often, so many of us will make a decision, then allow something else to change that decision. If we make a decision, no matter how good it is or how bad it is, we need to at least have the devotion to see it to the end. We need to have the confidence in our Creator to turn everything around for our good like He has promised He would do for us.
Devotion to God helps us discover the passions He created us for. Each one of us is different, we all have our own minds, we all have our own passions, we all have our own dislikes. So it makes sense that we all have our own passion. That's the way we were created. The only way that I have found to discover what my passion and His purpose for me is, has been through a wholehearted searching Him and His being.
How about you? Do you find it heart to consistently and obediently seek our Father with your entire being? If so, what tends to get in the way? If not, what tips would you have for those of us struggling with it?
Papa God,
Help us all to seek you with our whole hearts. Help us not be lukewarm. Allow our thoughts, our actions and our motives to be rooted in devotion to you. Not just the reliance-on-You-because-things-are-rough attitude. Papa, we pray Your grace and love help us to discover exactly what a wholehearted devotion to You would look like. Give us a desire for You that we've never seen before.
In Christ's name,
The more and more I read in the bible with one of my closest, most special friends, I can't help but notice how often we, as Christ seekers, are called to live with wholehearted ambition. Each and every time I read either "wholehearted" or "with all your heart" or even "with your whole heart" I cannot help but wonder, "how often do I seek Him, His will, His way, and His favor with my ENTIRE being?
If I'm honest:
it's not very often that this sort of searching for my Creator happens.
in the rough times, wholehearted seeking gets shoved to the back of my mind
in the good times, wholehearted seeking only passes through my mind on occasion
on the so-so days, this seeking gets drowned out in my to-do list of life.
Accountability helps me, a ton. Although, accountability only works if BOTH parties are willing to put their all into it. One sided accountability hurts both people. Accountability in which neither party are willing to be completely, wholly honest with each other, turns into just two friends hanging out.
Wholehearted devotion isn't only for our spiritual walk, but it is a very real, a very common necessity for our earthly life. If we go around without commitment to our faith, decisions, promises, way of life, or even our own passions, the life we live will often feel meaningless, pointless, and unfulfilled.
Devotion to our faith helps keep us committed to our decisions. So often, so many of us will make a decision, then allow something else to change that decision. If we make a decision, no matter how good it is or how bad it is, we need to at least have the devotion to see it to the end. We need to have the confidence in our Creator to turn everything around for our good like He has promised He would do for us.
Devotion to God helps us discover the passions He created us for. Each one of us is different, we all have our own minds, we all have our own passions, we all have our own dislikes. So it makes sense that we all have our own passion. That's the way we were created. The only way that I have found to discover what my passion and His purpose for me is, has been through a wholehearted searching Him and His being.
How about you? Do you find it heart to consistently and obediently seek our Father with your entire being? If so, what tends to get in the way? If not, what tips would you have for those of us struggling with it?
Papa God,
Help us all to seek you with our whole hearts. Help us not be lukewarm. Allow our thoughts, our actions and our motives to be rooted in devotion to you. Not just the reliance-on-You-because-things-are-rough attitude. Papa, we pray Your grace and love help us to discover exactly what a wholehearted devotion to You would look like. Give us a desire for You that we've never seen before.
In Christ's name,
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I love my daddy
January will be here before we know it.
That will mark twenty-three years
Twenty-three years that I have been
The apple of your eye
Twenty-three years ago
We began a journey together
One in which we never knew
What the next curve would hold
Twenty-three years ago
Before we had even met for the first time
Before I took my first breath
You were wrapped around my little finger
Twenty-three years ago
You became a father
More than that though
You became my daddy
For twenty-three years
We share a special bond
One that no one can match
One that no one can break
For twenty-three years
You have been my guide
Supported my decisions
Even if you didn't agree
For twenty-three years
God has allowed you
To be my daddy
I am forever grateful
For twenty-three years
You have taken care of me
Never expected a thank you
Never sought appreciation
So now, for the years to come
Let us be be able to return that favor
To take care of you
In your time of need
For the years to come
I will cherish the time
However much time we have
You will never be a burden
For the years to come
We will be grateful for today
Because we know that tomorrow
Tomorrow is not guaranteed
For the years to come
No one else can replace you
No one else will ever be able to
Not even when you've gone
For the years I've lived
And the years to come
I will always be yours
I will always love you
For everything you've done
For everything you will do
For everything you've supported
For every tear you've caught
Thank You Daddy
Thank You so much
Your love has helped make me
Who I am today
That will mark twenty-three years
Twenty-three years that I have been
The apple of your eye
Twenty-three years ago
We began a journey together
One in which we never knew
What the next curve would hold
Twenty-three years ago
Before we had even met for the first time
Before I took my first breath
You were wrapped around my little finger
Twenty-three years ago
You became a father
More than that though
You became my daddy
For twenty-three years
We share a special bond
One that no one can match
One that no one can break
For twenty-three years
You have been my guide
Supported my decisions
Even if you didn't agree
For twenty-three years
God has allowed you
To be my daddy
I am forever grateful
For twenty-three years
You have taken care of me
Never expected a thank you
Never sought appreciation
So now, for the years to come
Let us be be able to return that favor
To take care of you
In your time of need
For the years to come
I will cherish the time
However much time we have
You will never be a burden
For the years to come
We will be grateful for today
Because we know that tomorrow
Tomorrow is not guaranteed
For the years to come
No one else can replace you
No one else will ever be able to
Not even when you've gone
For the years I've lived
And the years to come
I will always be yours
I will always love you
For everything you've done
For everything you will do
For everything you've supported
For every tear you've caught
Thank You Daddy
Thank You so much
Your love has helped make me
Who I am today
Monday, August 1, 2011
That one thing
There will always be that one thing. Sometimes it will be multiple things. At different times throughout life, this one thing will be different. For some that one thing will always be the same. Each person has that one area that leaves us begging God saying, "I do believe, help my unbelief."
Let's see that one thing for me changes almost daily. The most common one for me is the struggle with insecurity. The others include everything from financial struggles, to learning what a godly wife looks like; among at least a dozen others.
I'm sure for you, other things come to mind and that's okay. Being we are all created different, it only makes sense that we would have different things that rouse unbelief. Whatever that one thing is, if we really want to overcome it, the only way to do it is to take it to the One who created us.
How many times have we been stressed over something that is out of our control. If we're honest, the things we allow to steal our time, our attention, our focus, are frivolous things that won't matter in the Big picture. The picture we can't see.
If we can't see the Big picture, His picture, how can we know what lays ahead. Some times, to conquer the beast of unbelief we need to face it. Other times, God wants us to ask him to help our unbelief, if that's the route He wants to heal us, then it won't happen until we sincerely pray that prayer. The one that releases us from having to control our lives and gives Him the freedom to do as we ask. The prayer that leads to freedom.
Freedom from our fears. Freedom from our insecurities. Freedom from our worries. Freedom from the worldly things that constantly weigh us down.
My challenge for you (and myself) is to pray your heart out. When the ugly beast of unbelief starts to creep up and overwhelm us, take a step of faith and pray to God to erase our unbelief and replace it with trust and faith in Him to have our best interests in perspective.
I'm not saying this is going to be easy. Actually, I am confident that it won't be. It will take time. All I can guarantee is that it will be worth each and every step of the journey. Here's a song to keep you hanging in there while you're waiting in the in between. The in between of living in unbelief and living in belief of the Creator of us all.
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My Red Sea Road
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Thank you so much for being patient these past few weeks! It's been a whirlwind time. How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever? How ...
Hello friends! It's that time again. I am SOOO excited to get back to Thirsty Thursdays. Today's post will be shorter then the other...
Here we are once again friends, time for that five minutes every week, where I join with other bloggers on a quest to write without worrying...