- A God who loves me no matter what
- This day
- Freedom to live out my belief
- Freedom from who I used to be
- A job
- not just a job but one I thoroughly enjoy
- My husband
- My Dad
- My Mom
- A best friend in my younger sister
- My Accountability partner
- My Mentor
- My amazing church family
- A roof over my head
- A car that runs
- Food in the fridge
- A soft, comfy bed
- Nice, durable couch and chair
- The Blogs that challenge me
- Fellow writers who encourage me
- The chance to write my heart
There will be more to come in the future this is just my basic start. I look forward to sharing more of what my heart is thankful for and hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do.
Blessings on your week all!
[...] It’s been far, Far, FAR too long since I’ve taken part in the Multitudes on Mondays with my fellow bloggers. We all link up with Ann. This concept is based off of her book One Thousand Gifts. While I have not read it yet, I feel the need to begin to incorporate this into my life. If you need a refresher, you can check out my last post on this here. [...]