Crave. It is what we were made to do. What cravings are we really built for? Relationship. Primarily a relationship with Him.
So often we search to satisfy our cravings in many other ways. For some of us, it's food. For others, it's through sex. Others still, being needed. And the list could go on and on.
Think of that one thing, that one thing that you turn to to "satisfy" you in a moment of stress, sadness, or pain. I'll bet that for each of those scenarios it's the same thing.
Let me ask this. If we were made for more than this world, why then do we seek to fill our cravings with things of this world rather than turning to the thing bigger than we are?
Could it be that we are scared of what happened if we actually turned to Him instead of things of this world? Or is it perhaps, and honest mistake? We automatically go elsewhere to fulfill it because that is what we know. What we learned.
Now is the time to retrain our brains, emotions, bodies to go to Him instead of our particular something. I can assure you, breaking those habits to satisfy our cravings will hurt at first, but it will so be worth it.
I'm willing. I'm striving. Are you?