Books...a great way to pass the time. There are all sorts of books out there self-help books, Christian Self-help books, financial books, fiction (both alternative and Christian), Non-fiction, biographies, auto-biographies, and then there's the greatest book of all, the Bible.
The greatest, best selling book comes in so many versions and translations that it would probably take forever just to list them. Whichever form of language reaches to the middle of your soul and speaks, you can find a Bible to fit that particular style.
My favorite genre of books has to be Christian fiction. Most of the time, at least with the writers I read, the stories are so relatable. They are situations that are very likely for one to encounter on any given day. The non-Chistian (or regular) fiction I don't find as fascinating.
I read a lot of "Christian" self-help books as well. Mainly on subjects that I'm seeking to learn more about. Like marriage, I know there are many older, well-known Christian couples who have successfully completed this life while living a Christian, God-serving marriage. I look to there for inspiration and tips or tricks that might help.
What is your favorite book?
I hope you'll join me in this journey to write for five minutes flat every day for the rest of the month. We'll write without worrying if it is just right or not.
Thanks for stopping in and allowing me to share my heart.
[...] Day Twelve: Books [...]