Today’s time starts…
Family. This looks different in almost every household. For some, family is only the people who are contained in the same house as they are. For others, family is everyone of blood relation. Still some, family isn’t just their bloodline, it is their friends. Yet, even still, some treat everyone as though they are family.
For me, my family is those who have the same parents/blood line as myself, my husband’s family (immediate and beyond), but more so, my family is my church, my blogging community, and my friends. Anyone who is in my support group is considered family in my life.
I am grateful for being included in the family of God. For any who acknowledges that He is their Father and Christ came to save them has the privilege of being called a child of God. So in Him, I have an entire family. A family FILLED with sisters and brothers.
Family can be a sticky subject for some, I know. Some don’t have a close family connection with the ones they were born to – if a connection at all. Some may know of the ones that brought them into the world, but have a completely different set of people they call family, and that’s okay. For others, like me, their family (immediate and beyond) has been very disconnected.
For any of these scenarios, this is where friends and family come in to help become that support system. I know that made all the difference in my life. To those of you who are in that support system for me now, I say thank you. To those of you who were, but may not be as close now, I want to say thank you. For those who were and still are, I also want to thank you. You have no idea how much you all have meant (and mean!) in my life.
Wow…that was a lot in five minutes. Will you consider spending 5 minutes writing on family? If so, and you do, please let me know and I promise I will stop by your place and leave some love. : )
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