Thursday, February 6, 2014

State of the peace

Peace takes on various looks. For some, it means peace and quiet. For others it means finding a moment to take a quick breath. Another might find peace in the middle of chaos. The busy parent may find peace when their kids are actually getting along. The working person finds peace in unexpected slow days at work. The stay at home mom may find it during nap time.

As vital as it is for us to find peace in each day, it is just as important to know what peace means for each of us.

For me, I find peace while I'm crochetting. In the rare snuggles from a busy toddler. After he's gone to bed and it's time for one on one time with the hubby. Yet still, I often find peace at work...well depending on which place. I also find peace in cooking (I don't know why I dread it so much even though I know it's relaxing). In the midst of chaos, if I can take a simple step back, breathe in and refocus, I am able to find some peace.

Peace is most easily found when we're tooned into our Creator. He created us to experience peace in Him. He gives us those key people, places, and things that help us get ever closer to having even just a small glimpse of peace.

Right now, in this season of change, peace is something I crave. Peace is something I long for. Peace, simple peace.

How about you, friend? How do you find peace?


  1. Hi Amy! You make 2 great points in this post - first, that we all need to know what brings us peace, and second, that peace is most easily found in God. Thank you for these reminders today :)
    Katrina Wylie (OBS small group leader)

  2. Thanks for your insightful words on 'State of Peace'. Reminders to look to the one true source of Peace.. Jesus. Amen..


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