Looked at this weeks prompt 10 minutes ago. Thought about waiting. Then this song pops on:
My mind instantly comes to this word. Lost.
How often do I find myself in worship, but rather than be swept away in the Spirit, I find myself lost.
Lost in my own thoughts. Lost in problems pressing in deeper and deeper. Lost in the music being played. Or the people playing it. Lost in the to do list. Lost in condemning myself of mistakes made. Lost in comparison. Lost in everything that the devil wants me to be.
Rather than losing myself in worship, I lose myself before I can get out of my own brain.
Getting lost in my Creator during worship used to be so easy for me. The first song would start and before I knew it, I was on my knees, sobbing--good sobs, on awe of the meeting that was taking place within me.
What happened to the days when we would worship to give God the praise? Have we lost sight of the One who made us, in order to draw more people in? Have we lost track of the heart of worshipping Him and have found ourselves guilty of entertaining those around us?
We cannot let the heart of worship be lost. After all, without the heart-God-it is no longer worship. It's a performance.
I would rather get lost in worship than let the heart of worship be lost.
With all that has come and gone, it's time for rediscovery. This place is a step toward doing so. Time to rediscover the Lover of my soul. Rediscover the draw writing has always had on my heart. Rediscover who I am and have been made to be despite anything life throws my way. In this place we will do real, we will do fresh, we will do life-real life-together.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
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Visiting from FMF. I love all the different themes on "lost"... It is so true that often it is more likely that I get lost in my thoughts or distractions than getting lost in worship (especially with a 5 year old in the pew next to me). What great thoughts to remember. Thanks!