Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Untraditional Tradition

My husband I have unintentionally started a tradition, but it's a tradition that I have come to love, even more once I realized that it'd been our tradition. For Christmas, most exchange gifts either on Christmas eve or Christmas day. However, my husband and I haven't ever (at least, in the 6 years we've been together, I can't remember ever) exchanged gifts on Christmas day. We usually exchange them within the first couple weeks of December.

There are many reasons excuses for doing so. The first year we were together, we had separate family events that prohibited it. After we were going to each others family gatherings, we still didn't wait until Christmas day to exchange gifts. I get so excited about what I'd gotten for him, that I can't ever bring myself to wait to give it to him, no matter how small of a gift it might be. (I am the worst at saving a gift for the reason I got it). He usually makes the mistake of telling me when he gets my gift, then curiosity gets the best of me, and I annoy ask him about it until he gives in and gives it to me early.

The other day, I was thinking over feeling bad about my issue with being able to wait to receive a gift that I knew was supposed to be for Christmas. Then it hit me. We (my husband and I) have never been traditional about giving gifts. No matter the occasion--birthday, Christmas, anniversary.

Then I was given another perspective on it. This time, a freeing revelation. By giving our gifts ahead of time, despite still having family gatherings, we are able to better reflect on the real meaning of Christmas without being distracted with whether or not our gift was received well.

Which then lead me to thinking, "I wonder if we'll continue our tradition when we have kids...or if we'll fall into the regular tradition." I'm hoping that instead of falling into pattern, we'll keep it the same because after thinking it over, it really makes a lot of sense to me for us to keep it the same.

Do you have any untraditional traditions?


  1. Oh how I love this posting. I have for the last several years, not gotten into the whole commercialization of Christmas. I am just happy to be able to celebrate His birthday. We also don't go all out for birthdays either. I am happy just to have a meal with my family on our birthdays.

  2. The commercialism has almost always gotten to me. Probably why I have such a hard time coming.up with a list each year.

  3. What a neat tradition! I don't really have any unique gift giving traditions other than the tshirt I get my father-in-law each year. I always get him one with a funny joke on it. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love it. I only came to the realization that it was a tradition a couple days ago, but I wouldn't change it for the world.


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