Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fruits and Vegetables...

So, today is the fourth full day of only eating fruits and vegetables while only drinking water. The only things I've added in, in very small amounts would be oil (mainly vegetable or olive) and normal spices.

So far, it's been going pretty well. I did notice that the only time I didn't feel terribly hungry between "meals" was when I was at church this morning. Worshiping the giver of everything satisfied the physical hunger as well as the spiritual this morning. It was an amazing feeling.

The original plan was to go all the way through Saturday evening, but I think I'm going to shorten it by about 12 hours, to breakfast of the 10th. The reason behind that is that we have a family Christmas near Indianapolis . So I have 5 days left.

I plan on getting my behind back to the gym tomorrow, for at least 30 minutes and then try to get there 3 or 4 more times during the week. The tricky thing will be to continue that pattern after this week is over. Motivation doesn't come easily when it's soo cold outside of my blankets and soooo warm under them.

I did a similar fast earlier in the year, but was not able to do it at all. I think it has a lot to do with the motivation behind it. Before I was doing it because a "friend" asked me if I wanted to. This time is different. This time I felt called to do so. I think that makes a HUGE difference.


  1. Keep up the good work! You can do it. Im proud of you. Also, last time, your "friend" wasn't as encouraging as one should be.

  2. [...] yesterday‘s post I mentioned getting back to the gym. Today I got up and went to the gym. I find the [...]


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