Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rethinking Family

I'm sitting here this morning doing my morning reading in 1 Peter and I'm watching as my little one says hello from the inside. While I know he's been awake since about 6am, I woke around 8:15am this morning. Ever since then, he's been letting me know he's here with me. Enjoying the music with me.

As I finished up with my quiet time, I sit watching him move, feeling him move. It gets me thinking about what the original design for family was to be. Surely this trend of disconnected, estranged, and un-involved families can't be the way God originally designed it. No, I'm sure it's not. It is what the enemy has created it to be.

We're told that everything God creates is good. Since the family unit was originally His creation, I have to believe there's a better way to do it. There has to be a way that we can keep family close, unified, and loving despite the attacks there are against it.

Satan has planned attacks against families since the beginning. After all, the first family was broken apart by jealousy and murder. As I look around this world, I can honestly say we. have. not. changed. Many of the times that families (mine included) have been broken apart it's generally been either selfishness or misunderstandings that get blown out of proportion.

As I fell asleep last night, and as I woke this morning, I couldn't help but think how I want Andrew's life to be different. I want our family to be connected. I want a family that's unified. I want a family unit in which each person involved knows that it is a safe place. A place they can come, kick their shoes off, and just be themselves.

I want both of my guys to know that their house is a place of honesty, respect, love and support. Not one of fighting, judgements, regrets, pain and sorrow.

So dear friends, there are two things I need from you:

  • Prayers and accountability-for both now and after Andrew gets here. I want to make family a priority. Family time. Family meals. Family walks. Family devotions. I want to create the family atmosphere for my son that I didn't grow up with, but always longed for.

  • Ideas-What have you done to ensure your family stays close, especially in the midst of chaos?


  1. Once again, a girl after my own heart. You are well on your way, Amy. The first step is wanting it. Then praying for it. Then asking for help. I couldn't be more proud.

    I'm so not a schedule person, but I've learned to appreciate them because I need to schedule these things in so they don't get pushed aside. They are of utmost importance and my calendar should reflect it.

    Hugs to you and your bundle of joy!

  2. Oh, this whole concept of a schedule is foreign to me. BUT I do know that if I want to be successful in this life, a schedule (at least for quiet time) is a must.

    And yes, it all begins with wanting it. There's a lot going on in my family (drama, drama, drama) right now. Which really isn't anything new, but it just reminded me once again how I want the family Kevin and I starting to look different from the families in today's day in age.

  3. Well, that's what life actually is...a journey of balance. There will be days you feel you've hit that 'checklist' in an awesome-sort-of-way, and then there will be days you feel you've barely got in the door. lol. Such is life. But as long as you continue to press toward the best for your family, you will look back and see the progress you've made...and be encouraged. Just remember to be gentle with yourself on the 'barely-scraping-by days. ;)

  4. [...] came to a hard close FMF Friendship-Five minutes to look into what friendship has meant to me. Rethinking Family-My goals for what I want my family to look like as my son [& future child(ren)] grow [...]


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