Friday, August 24, 2012

Won't you Join me?

It's that time again friends! Another Friday arrived. Meaning another week is behind. It also means that it's time for another round of 5 minute Friday.

If you've stopped over from Lisa-Jo's place: Welcome new friend! It's so nice to have you here. I hope you'll come back again.

To my regular readers: Hello there! I love seeing your face around here all the time!  Whether you're a new comer or an old friend, I hope that you'd take the time to jump in on our conversation.


If you've been around here with me for any length of time, you know my challenge is to create a place where I can be completely real. Not only that but a place where my readers can come and feel like they can just be themselves as well. After all, I've found that if it's not real, then it's not worth your precious time.

I've never been one to just immediately jump in and join others in what they're doing. I've always been a shy one. The cautious one. In many ways I still am.

However when it came to blogging and making friends that way, I joined right in. Which totally goes against my natural instinct-a true introvert. I have found that when I joined in (in both big ways and small ways) I find that God has given me the courage to open up some. To love on those who need loved on. To put the right people in my path that won't judge me for or be scared away by my quirky-ness.

So friends, I encourage you to join in on His cause. When we do, we will find that we'll be able to exceed our own expectations. Joining with God in His cause will more than likely be uncomfortable and scary. But I promise, if you join with me in joining with Him, it will be worth it.


1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..


  1. Hello,
    I love your statement, "I find that God has given me the courage to open up some". That is so true - we become His children - free to be ourselves. I found that too. From my shyness I have now had the courage to talk in front of groups - yes me. I have given 2 workshops. Strange how God can help us soooooo much.
    Now I can actually say I am a writer and painter. That would never have happened without God.

  2. Hi Amy, Favored One with a visit back here to give you a little chuckle. I, on the other hand, am an extrovert. It's just like me to jump into something having only read the rules but not any of the examples. I updated my post with the instructions you put under yours. Thanks for the great format. I love your welcome statements to your community...and that your freedom is blossoming in it. May you be filled with His joy today!

  3. Quirky is good. I love quirky. :-)

  4. Thanks for stopping in Jan! I still occasionally have issues calling myself a writer. Although, I know in time, that will come.

  5. Honestly, some days, blogging...especially for 5 minutes unedited and unhindered...scares me to death. However, I know I will never come out of my shell without taking those steps. Thanks for saying hi.

  6. Always such a blessing to join together with you friend! I hope He's reigning blessing after blessing down on you as of late!

  7. I'm pretty sure that if God couldn't use our quirky personalities, we wouldn't have them. Just more proof that we have an amazing God with a great sense of humor. :)

  8. Amy, I, too, had that image of "not a writer yet" but I read a great book called You Are a Writer (So start Acting Like It) by Jeff Goins. That kick started me. My motto has become "Just Write!". If we know we are doing it for God - then it doesn't matter what others think. I will pray that you continue to believe that through God you can do anything. I will be watching for more excellent writing - or semi-good, or whatever... Not all pieces are Home Runs. It doesn't matter - Just Write.

  9. Amy,
    By the way I replied from another blog but it is still me. lol:) Here is a link to a post I wrote for Inscribe about Jeff's book -


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