After reading this, my son and I had "Finding Nemo" playing. Parallels galore in the movie. Who woulda thought that this innocent children's movie would reiterate the concept of cultural differences?
If you've seen it, you'll follow this really well...if not, take some time, relax, watch the movie and join me back here. I can wait.
Are we all here yet? Yes?! Okay! Good.
The movie begins with a tragedy. It leads Marlin to be extremely cautious. Not only in his life, but poses them onto his son's (Nemo) as well. All of the scenes during the beginning of the movie, we see a struggle.
This struggle is common in today's society as well, the child wants more freedom, the parent too scared/fearful of potential tragedies that could be lurking around every corner. This leads to a rebellion by the child, which leads to a tragedy.
The second tragedy sends the parent on the journey of a lifetime. He meets all sorts of other fish. These fish see the ocean in a different perspective than he does. For them, the ocean isn't dark, scary, full of tragedy. Instead, they see options, adventure, and beauty.
On this journey, Marlin is forced to take risks. Risks that petrify him. Risks that, in the end, change his entire perspective.
First he meets Dory. Probably the most beloved of all the characters in the story. She teaches him what true friendship is.
While on this journey with his new friend, he meets a whole group of turtles. They're traveling through the ocean just like he is. At one point one of the kid turtles gets tossed out of the safety of the current. Marlin begins panicking. Crush teaches him to open his eyes and see every potential tragedy as a chance to learn.
Just as Marlin begins to calm, the small turtle finds his way back into the current. The child excited, proud and energized. The father expressing all the same emotions. When Marlin questions him on how Crush knew it was time to let him go, Crush answers with a simple, yet profound statement.
The movie ends with both son and father happy, living life and taking risks together, and Marlin's outlook completely changed.
Now, I believe that boundaries are good things. The only issue I have is when boundaries become for our benefit, and not done out of love for the other person.
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